Day 1

amywendt Posts: 19 Member
So I'm on day 1. Day has been going well. Dinner wasn't as good because I wasn't able to figure out exact calories because it was a full meal that was made over the weekend. Anyways, I have 3 hours to bed and I'm hungry. What are your tips and tricks? I know I have over eaten in the past so it will take time to get used to the calorie reduction. Thoughts?


  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Congrats on day 1 down.

    I started by eating all the same things I normally ate within my calorie goal. After awhile you will learn what types of foods and what macros help you stay satisfied on lower calories.

    Things that help me stay satisfied...

    Full Fat

    I also learned having a protein/carb/fat with every meal helps me.

    Also best tip I can give is read through the forums you will learn so much more:).

  • SisypheanWorkout
    SisypheanWorkout Posts: 105 Member
    Been there. You'll get the hang of measuring food to the point where you can just eye it up eventually.

    As far as being hungry before bed; if you are absolutely starving, try something like cashews or almonds, unsalted or seasoned of course. Tuna with a little olive oil on baby spinach is a favorite of mine. Tons of protein and very little fat.

    This is a great community for tips and support. Feel free to add me if that's what you're looking for.

    All the best.
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    hey tracking becomes easy as you get used to it. sometimes you have to guestimate for example today i had stew i had made to i tracked approximately .5 of a cup of each main ingredient because I'd rather round up than down, but one bowl of soup likely wouldnt have a full half cup of each item. you can also read the packaging and create a food if you cant find the food or choose a different brand of same cal content and same product. feel free to pm me :)
  • ieroen
    ieroen Posts: 77 Member
    Something that helps me against hunger is drinking sparkling water. Also coffee is a hunger suppressant, but not good before bed. :) In the future, you should maybe think about the timing of your meals. I try to save about 1000 calories in my budget to make sure that I can eat a big meal in the late evening. Reason for that is that my will is weaker at that time, so I'd be more prone to falling off the wagon. Also, it's impossible for me to sleep hungry. Good luck!
  • amywendt
    amywendt Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate your input.
  • Kristi26
    Kristi26 Posts: 184 Member
    I actually add a snack to my log for the evening every morning so it's already there and counted. That way, I'm not out of calories by the time I'm ready to eat it. ;)

    I'm in maintenance now, but things I ate when I was hungry without many calories to work with: apples, carrots, applesauce, banana, peppers, popcorn
  • ieroen
    ieroen Posts: 77 Member
    Kristi26 wrote: »
    I actually add a snack to my log for the evening every morning so it's already there and counted. That way, I'm not out of calories by the time I'm ready to eat it.

    Great advice, I do exactly the same. I pre-register a late snack and then try to hold it off as long as I can. :) Feels nice knowing that I still have something coming, instead of having to choose between cheating or going to bed hungry.

    Also, it's a good idea to eat carbs before bedtime, because it helps you fall asleep quicker. Carbs produce serotonin and deliver the amino acid tryptophan. This has a calming effect on the brain, put you in a pleasant mood and make you sleepy. So I often eat a bowl of oatmeal or cereal before bed.