I am too Fat to work out at the gym



  • flatcoatedR
    flatcoatedR Posts: 173 Member
    I know how you can feel that way. I started this journey weighing 316 lbs. There were days I didn't want to go out of the house, let alone move around in front of alot of people. Was it because of what others thought of me? No, I believe its because of what I thought about myself. I thank God I have my job that motivated me to get out of the house somedays. You can lose weight without exercising. I loss 90 lbs in less then a year without doing much of anything. That being said, you will not get healthy or stronger without some kind of exercising. That dosent mean you have to work out in a gym. I started walking in my neighborhood. I even had to start walking at night so my neighbors wouldn't see me. As you lose weight and start feeling better, how you feel about your self will change . You'll get stronger physically and mentally. You'll want to do more and start to try different things. Maybe, even join a gym.
  • abennett3001
    abennett3001 Posts: 2 Member
    I joined the gym in August last year and I was 27st11lb best thing I done it was very scary people so stare and laughed at me and talked behind my back it just gave me more motivation to keep going back now I'm 5stone2lb lighter now who's laughing? Not me... Just think everyone who starts out at gym was new at one stage... Keep motivated and good luck.
  • bketchum1981
    bketchum1981 Posts: 130 Member
    I think everyone who goes to the gym is about as "in the raw" as you'll ever see them. I know I am.

    When I first started going to my current workout studio, I went thinking I just don't see the point in getting all dolled up to get super sweaty. That's just inefficient use of time. I also thought "these people aren't my friends."

    I still have the no shower/bad hair don't care attitude but believe it or not I'm developing friendships or at least a kinship with likeminded people who don't care what I look like!

    Adopt an attitude of "this is for me" and use whatever mind game to keep you walking through the door.

  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I was morbidly obese when I started going to the gym, and felt the same. But no one pays attention. They really don't care. As my weight has dropped, I've actually gotten comments from people who've seen the changes and are very supportive. Last year I started doing heavy lifting and was intimidated by the idea of that section of the gym. I got some sessions with one of the trainers. I loved her confidence as she strolled her 5'0" self around the weights and it helped me immensely (plus learning correct form and lifts etc). It's so worth it to get past this mental hurdle. My confidence has skyrocketed.
  • VeggieBarbells
    VeggieBarbells Posts: 175 Member
    I walked into my gym yesterday with the intent of working out. As soon as I saw the equipment I froze. I inquired about a personal trainer from the front desk. Thinking that will help motivate me. But I just feel too huge to work out. I set a goal as I left the gym to lose 80 lbs before I start back in the gym. I am feeling that I have so much to lose and I am trying not to get discouraged or frustrated. But no one wants to see a morbidly obese person working out.

    FWIW I think the exact opposite. When I see someone who is clearly overweight in the gym, I take my hat off to them. It takes courage and determination to just turn up. Many would rather sit at home and order in pizza - so respectfully I disagree.

    And once the pounds start to come off, you'll be flabbergasted by how many people comment on your progress. Everyone expects the fat guy or gal to give up and never return but when you keep going and going and going - you not only inspire yourself, you inspire others too. Whatever you decide to do, good luck.
  • Jokerz9
    Jokerz9 Posts: 24 Member
    You can't achieve anything until you start working for it. Here is one thing keep in your mind, TRUST YOURSELD AND DON'T CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK. If you need any help you can text me. Achieve your goal we all know you can do it we believe in you don't let us down o:) .
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Honestly, I've never gone to the gym, and I probably never will. I do bodyweight workouts at home, courtesy of Darebee.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Also, I think this comic is appropriate: At the gym: who is looking at whom.
  • Supawilkins
    Supawilkins Posts: 10 Member
    #1 rule about working out. Focus on yourself
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Thanks for all your comments! I read every one and I still have tears. I will do this. Tomorrow while my daughter swims, I will walk on the treadmill as long as I can. Baby steps. Today I will take her to a trampoline park- she will not have my issues!

    One of the best things you can do is be a role model. And by role model I don't mean perfect. But if she sees you being brave, taking responsibility, and loving yourself she's more likely to do that herself.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I walked into my gym yesterday with the intent of working out. As soon as I saw the equipment I froze. I inquired about a personal trainer from the front desk. Thinking that will help motivate me. But I just feel too huge to work out. I set a goal as I left the gym to lose 80 lbs before I start back in the gym. I am feeling that I have so much to lose and I am trying not to get discouraged or frustrated. But no one wants to see a morbidly obese person working out.

    Honestly, you are putting way too much importance on yourself. People don't come to the gym to watch you or anyone else work out. They go for themselves and that's what I would encourage you to do too. Many people will feel inspired at the effort you make to get there and better yourself. Don't use what you think other people are thinking as an excuse! Even if you could "know" what they think, what difference would it make to what you do?

    Did you talk about your concerns with the trainer? What did the trainer say?

    If you prefer working out at home, that's fine too. Just do it!
  • mamajenb
    mamajenb Posts: 53 Member
    I felt the same way, I found a small yoga studio that offers personal training and I have been doing that once a week for about 6 months. I love it, I am the only person in the room and it has given me the confidence and ability to join other group classes. Shop around and find somewhere you feel comfortable.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I'm sorry you feel this way, and part of losing weight is finding a way to not think like this, because I can assure you people aren't at the gym to make fun of you, they are to deal with their issues if they have them, or to just work out, and go home. As soon as you stop being afraid, the easier this is going to get!
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    I walked into my gym yesterday with the intent of working out. As soon as I saw the equipment I froze. I inquired about a personal trainer from the front desk. Thinking that will help motivate me. But I just feel too huge to work out. I set a goal as I left the gym to lose 80 lbs before I start back in the gym. I am feeling that I have so much to lose and I am trying not to get discouraged or frustrated. But no one wants to see a morbidly obese person working out.

    You're not too big to use a gym, really, you're not. I put off using a gym until I hit the top end of healthy weight because I had the same fears. I wish I'd gone when I started out losing weight as I really enjoy going (plus I need to do it for medical reasons, not just weight loss, and it would have been a lot better had I started months ago).

    I still feel self-conscious though. I sit there in the belief that people are looking at me, thinking that I'm doing things wrong (this is probably a carry-over from spending my entire life as an overweight/obese child, teenager and adult and something that I need to deal with at some point but that's another issue entirely). But those people are probably just concentrating on THEIR workout and couldn't care less about me. It doesn't stop me going though, and I have no problems with jumping out of bed at 5am to traipse off to the gym as I get such a kick out of it :)

    I would say that at least half of the people I've seen at the gym are overweight or obese. But they are there, doing something. Good for them, I say.

    The gym I use is quite a friendly place. It only opened a couple of weeks ago, I've been nearly every day since then and I'm on speaking terms with quite a few people now. Please don't be intimidated by your own feelings, once you start things will look a lot different :)

  • cahubbard6421
    cahubbard6421 Posts: 769 Member
    I walked into my gym yesterday with the intent of working out. As soon as I saw the equipment I froze. I inquired about a personal trainer from the front desk. Thinking that will help motivate me. But I just feel too huge to work out. I set a goal as I left the gym to lose 80 lbs before I start back in the gym. I am feeling that I have so much to lose and I am trying not to get discouraged or frustrated. But no one wants to see a morbidly obese person working out.

    Go back to the gym. Ask for that personal trainer. Everyone wants to see that person become a different person. Nobody should feel like they don't belong in a gym. Everyone has started from.different places but we all had to take that first trip into the gym.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I will tell you, as a morbidly obese person, the people at the gym don't care what you look like. Most of them don't even know you are there. If anything, they are silently praising you for getting up and getting out and moving. Do what makes you comfortable. You don't necessarily need to go to a gym to lose weight. I have met some amazing people at my gym, much fitter than me. You can do anything you put your mind to!

    Funny story: Monday afternoon I was at the gym and I went to sit down on the bench under the lat pull down and underestimated the size of my booty and fell right off the back. Hit the floor. I don't think anyone laughed or even saw me, but I said "screw it" and I kept my headphones in, got back up and did my thing :blush:
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I walked into my gym yesterday with the intent of working out. As soon as I saw the equipment I froze. I inquired about a personal trainer from the front desk. Thinking that will help motivate me. But I just feel too huge to work out. I set a goal as I left the gym to lose 80 lbs before I start back in the gym. I am feeling that I have so much to lose and I am trying not to get discouraged or frustrated. But no one wants to see a morbidly obese person working out.

    Saying that you are "too fat to go to the gym" is kind of like saying that someone is "too sick to go to the doctor" Personally no one has ever been unkind to me at the gym, in fact lots of strangers even have always been very motivating and encouraging...

    While there is absolutely nothing wrong with working out at home either, I get bored, tired, cranky, want to give up etc if I'm on the same machine even for more than half an hour tops, it helps me a lot to be able to do the row machines for a little bit, then the ellipticals for a little bit, then the bike or the sit down elliptical for a little then some weights for a little etc. I'm WAY more likely to actually get an hour in if I can mix it up a little, and it gives me a better full body.

    As a general rule, no one is even looking at anyone else or cares what other people look like at the gym... especially with new years, and a lot of people working out again after a long hiatus... trust me we are all just focusing on our own huffing & puffing, sweating, feeling like we are going to die, etc. to pay too much attention to anyone else.

    Do whatever works for you... but if you think the gym might help you... don't be intimidated by anyone else.

  • MsMaeFlowers
    MsMaeFlowers Posts: 261 Member
    Every decent person at that gym would LOVE to see you there, no matter your size. Healthy people like to see other people being healthy and starting their journey to health. The only thing we're thinking, if we even noticed you, is good job for coming in and trying to make a change.

    You're always going to find people that are jerks no matter where you are, but you can't let the chance of running into one stop you from being healthy and doing the things you need to do to be healthy.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I walked into my gym yesterday with the intent of working out. As soon as I saw the equipment I froze. I inquired about a personal trainer from the front desk. Thinking that will help motivate me. But I just feel too huge to work out. I set a goal as I left the gym to lose 80 lbs before I start back in the gym. I am feeling that I have so much to lose and I am trying not to get discouraged or frustrated. But no one wants to see a morbidly obese person working out.
    You walked into the gym, which shows how much you want to change. Many people can't get that far!!

    Sure, equipment can be intimidating... But the equipment is a TOOL, nothing more! You CAN figure out how to best-use that tool to improve things, yes you can :)

    A trainer is an amazing idea if you can afford it and if you're intimidated.

    Remember that although you may be morbidly obese ... so were some of the people in the gym that you're worried may be judging you.

    As someone who was a morbidly-obese 355lbs myself, I know how hard it is to get in there and do the work, and personally - I'm only impressed when I see someone in a similar place who has found the strength to get to the gym and workout.