Hi I'm Pie and cake lover


As the title says I'm P_C_Lover Or Pie and Cake lover..... well they got me here.
I'm a mom and my 3 year old daughter is my world.

I've tried to lose weight in many ways and it always came back so this is my last attempt, and this one has to succeed!!
if not for me feeling sexy and attractive again than for my kid to have a healthy mom!

so feel free to add me as friend i know i'll need the support!



  • Milesmac
    Milesmac Posts: 3 Member
    Hi P_C, please add me if you want. I've logged for 36 straight days and have lost 4 lbs and 2% body fat so it's going well. If I can do it, so can you. Let's do this thing!
  • moni032000
    moni032000 Posts: 34 Member
    Sending a request and I'm a die-hard pie and cake lover too. Lol!!
  • russb_
    russb_ Posts: 39 Member
    I'm totally addicted to cake icing. All my hard work goes out the window during a birthday party. Icing should be illegal.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Apple crumble and custard my fav
    good luck op
    You can eat cake and lose weight just need to control how much