2017~~52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
  • Shivsquam
    Shivsquam Posts: 4 Member
    Starting weight:77 kg
    Goal weight: 55kg
    Current weight: 76.1
    Total weight lost:0.9 kg
    This week's successes: walked for almost 2 hours and actually enjoyed it
    This week's challenges: loads of meals out with friends
  • Ldredding
    Ldredding Posts: 25 Member

    Starting weight:217
    Goal weight:140
    Current weight:193
    Total weight lost:24 (it was the baby and fluids)
    This week's successes:healthy trip to grocery store. no crap.
    This week's challenges:I want cookies.
  • Anger67
    Anger67 Posts: 129 Member
    Let myself go after personal issues. Started 1/3/17

    Starting weight: 238
    Goal weight: 184
    Current weight: 232
    Total weight lost: 6
    This week's successes: Hunger under control
    This week's challenges: Get Sleep
  • vo2max42
    vo2max42 Posts: 6 Member
    From a certified gym rat to a total couch potato in a span of 3-4 years gaining 60 pounds to my ideal body weight. I feel so ashamed how I've let myself go. I'm vowing 2017 is finally the year that I will redeem myself. I'm ready!

    Week 0: accept the hard truth
    Starting weight: 172 lbs
    Goal weight: 108 lbs
    Current weight: 172 lbs
    Total weight lost: 0
    This week's successes: started running again
    This week's challenges: don't get enough sleep
  • Sheks41191
    Sheks41191 Posts: 90 Member
    Starting weight: 01/01/2017 - 86.5 kgs
    Goal weight: 66.25 kgs (146)
    Current weight: 85.2 kgs (187.8)
    Total weight lost: 1.2 kgs (3 pounds)
    This week's successes: Consistent Logging
    This week's challenges: Sleep pattens all messed up - been staying up late because I've been on holiday and not at work.

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend that would be great, the more support the better.
  • ntw25
    ntw25 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm in. A complete mess at the moment, but willing to give it another try.

    Starting weight: 337.4
    Goal weight: 250
    Current weight: 337.4
    Total weight lost: 0
    This week's successes: Good start with both food and walking
    This week's challenges: Get in to the groove
  • mburnett0223
    mburnett0223 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!

    Starting weight: 168
    Goal weight:116
    Current weight: 168
    Total weight lost: 0
    This week's successes: sticking to my calories!
    This week's challenges: working out 5x weekly
  • silvertoes30
    silvertoes30 Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm in! Perfect motivation to get kick started and make 2017 awesome.
    SW: 275lbs
    GW: 220lbs
    CW: 270lbs
    Total weight loss: 5lbs since oct 2016
  • dfabiano972
    dfabiano972 Posts: 27 Member
    Starting weight (for this challenge) : 227
    Goal weight (for this challenge) : 175
    Current weight : 227
    Total weight lost (for this challenge): 0
    This week's successes: did some meal prepping, starting this challenge and checking in
    This week's challenges: getting up to work out in the morning
  • newgirl57
    newgirl57 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in! I think this is a reasonable goal for the year.

    Starting weight: 230
    Goal weight: 178
    Current weight: 228
    Total weight lost: 2
    This week's successes: I put the app TrackMyFitness on my phone and figured out how to make it upload my exercise/walking into MFP.
    This week's challenges: Keeping my face out of the candy & cookies at the office
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    I love the idea of a full year challenge since this a long term change for my health!
    Starting weight (for this challenge) : 208.6
    Goal weight (for this challenge) : 156
    Current weight : 208.6
    Total weight lost (for this challenge): 0
    This week's successes: started meal prepping, so far helping avoid the drive thru!
    This week's challenges: laying off the snacks
  • wr1275
    wr1275 Posts: 7 Member
    Newbie....I think this is a reasonable and achievable goal! Thanks. I will be weighing in on Sundays when the week starts.
    Questions: Are these numbers the starting numbers for the week, weight lost for the week? Or for overall? And is this a report of last week's numbers/successes? And this week's challenge?

    Starting weight: 265
    Goal weight: 150
    Current weight: 228
    Total weight lost: 37
    This week's successes: staying away from holiday foods
    This week's challenges: eating regularly, rather than emotionally (meeting my calorie intake goal)
  • tabloop
    tabloop Posts: 51 Member
    Starting weight: 280
    Goal weight: 170
    Current weight (12/28): 212.5 (weigh-in Wednesday)
    Total weight lost: 67.5
    01/04: 212.5

    This week's successes: I logged my food every day.
    This week's challenges: I wasn't as active as I would like to be and I didn't drink 64oz of water every day.
    This week's goals: Get in more activity and drink more water.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    I'm in!
    Starting Weight (1/1): 210
    Goal Weight: 145 (158 at the end of the year for 1lb/week)
    This weeks successes: Going back to work after leave, not buying myself a soda when my husband asks me to bring him one home for dinner
    This weeks challenges: Finding time to workout after a 10 hour shift with a 2 month old baby who wants to always be held
  • TphTeh
    TphTeh Posts: 13 Member
    Finding time to work out with a super busy work schedule is biggest challenge!!!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,914 Member
    Squeeze in exercise where you can...wiggle while you work....if you can get away with it. Park further away... do the stairs in your house/apartment. YouTube your exercise. Make it work for you and have fun.
  • Katrina_88
    Katrina_88 Posts: 164 Member
    Start weight: 219
    52 week goal weight: 167
    Weight lost: 0
    Ultimate goal weight: 140