2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • StephAStephan
    StephAStephan Posts: 22 Member
    I would love a mentor. Here's my blurb:
    Brand new to this as of today. 32 year old female who has always been naturally thin. Had two back-to-back (very) recent miscarriages which changed my body drastically. Am seeking advice on nutrition and fitness from another female who is also TTC as I go through the process of testing and treatment with a reproductive endocrinologist. Let me know!
  • kingchimera31
    kingchimera31 Posts: 9 Member
    In need of a mentor/tutor. I've tried losing weight about 3 years ago to the Xbox Biggest Loser and did a pretty good job until we got downstairs neighbors and they started to complain about the jumping around. I've had a lot of difficult obstacles since then and gained all my pounds back and then some. I'm at 240 right now and would like to get down to a desired weight of 180/190. I work at a casino so I have a graveyard shift and I also have a son that I pick up from school everyday so it cuts into my sleep. I'm also a huge super nerd so nothing really phases me as far as nerdiness goes. Would like to do some cosplay someday when I get to my goal weight.
  • angsamp
    angsamp Posts: 7 Member
    I'd love to be adopted!!

    I'm a 31 yo female. I'm an attorney so I sit most of the day at work, and my evenings are spent chasing my 2 yo and 8 yo stepson. Over the last 3 years I've gained 40 pounds (the last 10 were only since November). Weight loss is a huge struggle for me. I've dieted, counted calories and macros, gone paleo, etc. I find my biggest problems to be 1-motivation/will power and 2-Binge eating. This is my last time trying to lose the weight because I'm determined to be successful. I'm sick of worrying about how bad I look all the time. I currently weigh 160 and am on the very high end of the overweight BMI scale. I need to lose 40 pounds and even had my doctor tell me so today. As for exercise, for the past year I had a trainer 3 days a week. Again, I wasn't really losing weight, but I gained a lot of muscle and strength and was at least looking more toned. Trainer quit in November. I have a treadmill and workout videos so now my exercise will be at home.

    I'd love a mentor who has struggled with binge eating and overcome it, also someone who has successfully done workouts at home. I know what I NEED to do, but I fall off the wagon so easily and need help staying motivated even when I hit a plateau.
  • instamodel
    instamodel Posts: 2 Member
    Please adopt me :)
    I'm a newbie.
    I have used MFP. But then derailed after I lost the weight. :s , I'm 23 and BMI Is 30. :/

    I would really like a mentor to show me the proper way of clean eating, how to lose and maintain weight most important.
    Also some tips on nutrition and what to eat , meal prep would be extremely helpful.

    Please add me.!! :blush::)
  • c_ward1983
    c_ward1983 Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to be adopted / mentored. My biggest challenges are finding the time to work out in a hectic schedule, avoid stress eating and making healthy eating choices, and dealing with very little sleep.

    I'm 33 years old, Male, looking to start off by loosing 30lbs
  • haibrookiebear
    haibrookiebear Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to be adopted. I've been trying to lose weight but along with losing weight I always lose motivation, I wanna get back down to 125 and I currently weigh 155. If anybody is willing to help me send me a friend request and message me. I would really really appreciate it.
  • Sameerr10
    Sameerr10 Posts: 7 Member
    About me,

    My name is sameer and i am 28 years old, and i am new to MFP, my height is 5.8 and my current weight is 100.8 kg and i am from Dubai ( U.A.E) ,and i really want to get rid of this weight and I would be very happy if i will get a nice mentor.
    There was a time i was very active in my exercises, i was regular to gym and soccer playing but due to my shift duties and less rest i got lazy and stopped working out and gained huge amount of weight. (23kgs)

    i am really hard working person , i just need right guidance to achieve my goal and i hope i will get a right mentor here.

  • TashSeals
    TashSeals Posts: 1 Member
    I need to be adopted :)

    Here's a little bit about why and what my goals are.

    My name is Natasha , I am 21 years old. I am 5'2 ,175 pounds and feeling overwhelmed by the weight i have gained. My healthy weight is 155 pounds. I am a single mother to a two year old but after having my daughter i still cannot loose the weight. I am now doing IF (fasting) . I am tracking my weight, calories, steps, and exercise. I have successfully lost 6 pounds already but i want to loose the last 20 needed to be at my goal. I am confident i can do it but i really want someone to push me as well.
  • tgardi
    tgardi Posts: 54 Member
    I don't know about adopted. I mean I'm kinda old for that, and I wouldn't get you much on your taxes. But I definitely could use someone checking on me periodically. I turn 40 in 70 days. (Not that I'm counting) I had this idea a few months ago I'd lose 40 pounds by my 40th. I've lost 9 and a half lol. So I don't think that's happening. But I'm focused on making a healthier life style. I spent 10 years in the Marine Corps and now I'm a cop. I work a desk assignment so I have to motivate myself to get moving and eat right. Been too easy to go in on the office lunch order.
  • lisaannet6
    lisaannet6 Posts: 3 Member
    Would love to be adopted! :) I'd love the Mentor/Buddy to keep me accountable to hit my goals by 6/1! 49 yrs old and hypothyroid....Thanks and looking forward to a Mentor to help me achieve my goals for 2017!
  • 1seetheart
    1seetheart Posts: 2 Member
    I want to be adopted!!!
    Oh, I'd love to be a mentor! Here's my profile:

    I'm a 23 year old - 5', 118 lb. (bulk) lifting lover! I started off thinking the key to fitness was being a cardio bunny and eating as minimally as possible, until I hit 95 lbs. and still was not at my "ideal" body. Did my research, started eating more protein, lifting heavy and now a year-and-a-half later, here I am. I have achieved success through nutrition education, a little assistance from a trainer (and my orthopedic doc, thanks to foot problems) and my own curated lift program. I have an extremely busy schedule with a 3-hour commute, 9-hour work day and doing homeowner/girlfriend errands, but I always make time for fitness and health. I'm a proud fur mama to the funniest duo, Ote (4 lb. Chihuahua) and Dutch (145 lb. - still growing - Bullmastiff). All my lifts are powered by Starbuck's!

  • 1seetheart
    1seetheart Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to get adopted!
  • canteronkat
    canteronkat Posts: 126 Member
    Would love new friends add me & give me advice
  • jahend08
    jahend08 Posts: 10 Member
    I'd love a mentor; I'm a 32 year old mom of 3 and promise this will be the time that I lose all the weight for good. I'm so determined; but would love some encouragement/advice along the way!
  • clarinetkid4ever
    clarinetkid4ever Posts: 3 Member
    I need to be adopted too!

    230 pounds currently, I wish to lose about 80+ pounds but I am starting with a 30 pound goal just to get myself motivated to lose more. I am also a mother of two beautiful girls and my wish is to play more outside with them. I need help with exercises I can do because last year I injured my knee and still have to wear a brace to hold the patella in place. I have been cleared to do light exercises with it but still unsure what that means.
  • BrandNewMan1970
    BrandNewMan1970 Posts: 373 Member
    I would be able to help someone along. I am 47, male married with college kids. 2..5 years ago I got upwards of 250 and decided to really go at it. I am down 75lbs and in the greatest shape of my life. It's hard but it's also easy. Daily dedication.
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