Anyone else doing 1200 cal/day?

I am new here and have been working on staying at 1200 cal for the last week. I am 44 and weigh more now, at my heaviest 155lbs, then I did at 9 months pregnant! It's time to get some weight off and get back into shape.

I'd love to have some friends who are also doing 1200 cal/day and those who are doing more. I like to check out food diaries to get some ideas of healthy meals.


  • adamboydharris
    adamboydharris Posts: 22 Member
    You go girl! I have a much different body composition than you so our caloric intake won't be the same. However, I am doing a 1k+ calorie deficit per day. That equates to roughly 2-3 pounds per week. Keep going. Don't cheat. And for the love of everything holy, don't give up!
  • hippychickxoxo
    hippychickxoxo Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, I'm at 1200. It seems so low!!! I hate being short
  • anadee2598
    anadee2598 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm also supposed to be at 1200 a day and find myself going over sometimes but hey, progress not perfection. I'd love to be friends!
  • adamlesa78
    adamlesa78 Posts: 7 Member
    On 1000 cals a day I feel ur pain but keep at it I lost just under 4 stone on 3 and half months on here and have kept it off a year later I have my last stone to go to hit my target weight
  • ambrown2711
    ambrown2711 Posts: 1 Member
    It suggested i eat 1300 a day but i never reached it so it said i couldnt ever complete my goal for the day so i had to change it to 1000 per day
  • buxomeblonde
    buxomeblonde Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'8, 150 lbs and need (would like) to lose 10 lbs. I'm at 1200 a day and when I exercise I get extra which I don't always use. Good luck all!
  • Eliniita
    Eliniita Posts: 38 Member
    My goal is 1200! I am a similar weight to you, at 145, trying to lose 15-20 lbs. :)
  • Mayesy23DAZ
    Mayesy23DAZ Posts: 30 Member
    Nearly 3,000 here (I'm 6'6'') but the very best of luck
  • alibartlett1978
    alibartlett1978 Posts: 1 Member
    Ditto. Been doing it since September (difficult at weekends and Christmas obviously), you get used to it after a while and I've lost just over a stone! It's worth it in the long run believe me. I'm not done yet, keep it up! I'd love to be friend
  • KennyMarie84
    KennyMarie84 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes, my goal is 1200/day also- but I have a lot more to lose.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    adamlesa78 wrote: »
    On 1000 cals a day I feel ur pain but keep at it I lost just under 4 stone on 3 and half months on here and have kept it off a year later I have my last stone to go to hit my target weight

    You can raise your calories to a reasonable level and still lose weight
  • Binskitz
    Binskitz Posts: 2 Member
    6'1" now 190ish. Started at 225. 1450 a day here.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited January 2017
    Binskitz wrote: »
    6'1" now 190ish. Started at 225. 1450 a day here.

    Very low for a 6' tall male. Really aggressive deficits don't support existing lean muscle mass as well as moderate ones do. Google skinny-fat.

    Lean muscle loss is the trade-off for fast weight loss (except when you're obese).
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've been on maintenance for almost 6 years, but when I was losing, I was set at about 1400 calories PLUS any exercise calories I earned. It took slightly longer than it would have on 1200, but it was a lot more fun and sustainable than eating 1200. I didn't mind it taking a little longer. It's not a race. I have the rest of my life to do this thing right. And it worked, because here I am 6 years later, still a success.

    I think the calorie goal is a very personal thing. 1200 is going to be good for some, and too low for others. Just find what works for you and go with it. Make sure you are getting your protein!

    1000 is a bit low, though, for anyone but the most petite. Most sub-1000 calorie diets are monitored by a doctor to make sure you're not becoming deficient in any important nutrients. Not sure how healthy or sustainable it is for the average person in the long-run. I would burn out for sure going that low.

    Good luck everyone! :D
  • djncat
    djncat Posts: 3 Member
    I'm supposed to be at 1200 but I tend to got a bit over. I have 15 llbs to lose and get back on the clean eating track.
  • Hi there! I am 1200 a day- Have been successful so far and don't feel it is too little to eat. I am 5'3" looking to get down about 15 more pounds for my wedding day in October! WE CAN DO IT! Would love to be friends... I can use all the motivation and encouragemen I can get! + I have a small instagram account where I post inexpensive recipes and the macros/calories for them... the handle is " evenskinnylegsjiggle " ... would love to be friends on either!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I found 1200 really tough, miserable actually, but doable my first time around on MFP. I'd never do it again and wouldn't advise anyone else (beyond someone short/elderly) to do it either.

    After I'd regained the weight I lost so efficiently previously, I set my goal to 0.5lbs/week and stuck with that. Slow weight loss is sustainable weight loss. I truly believe I'll never regain to any great degree. It's just so easy to slip back into a small deficit whenever I've overindulged.

    For most of my life I was convinced me that slow weight loss was only appropriate for people with little willpower. I was wrong.
  • mamma_adventure
    mamma_adventure Posts: 235 Member
    1200 here, I'm around 164lbs, mum to 3 toddlers. I used MFP after my twins were born to get down to 139.
    My diary is open if you want to add me.
    Started back today, motivated after a pretty excessive holiday period :o
  • Frazeemlf
    Frazeemlf Posts: 1 Member
    1200 here, I'm around 164lbs, mum to 3 toddlers. I used MFP after my twins were born to get down to 139.
    My diary is open if you want to add me.
    Started back today, motivated after a pretty excessive holiday period :o

    Hi Mrs. Kitty. I'm also at 1,200 cal per day and my story is similar to yours. I had three toddlers including a set of twins. But....I believe I'm much older than you. I'm now in my 50's and although I lost the weight after my twins, it has come back on. :( I'm blaming it on menopause! I'm at 164 pounds now which is not acceptable to me. I should (and hope to be) at 140 to feel good and keep up with my grand babies. Good luck to will take the weight off just chasing all those toddlers around! Cherish each moment. They go by way to quick! Happy New Year, New Us!