Starting again

Hi all, my name is Donna and i live in Cornwall uk. I started my weight loss in 2008 weighing in at 17 st 10, with the help of good friends and various other deivices i got down to 15st 10. So far so good, i then made a conscious effort in Jan of this year to lose a bit more and got down to !4st 7lb, wonderful!!!!! But after a two week all inclusive hol in Turkey in June and a family hol for a special ocasion in August im now back at 15st 10!!!!! and i really dont want to be here. I work full time in a very busy active job. I also have a fab social life, thats part of the prob!!!!! im full of good resolutions then i get invited out and i suddenly find a drink in my hand!!!!! Help


  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP! Congratulations on your decision to get fit -- just stay determined, no matter what. You'll find everyone on this site to be very positive, encouraging and motivating. Feel free to friend request me if you'd like. :)

    Also, if you're on Facebook, please feel free to check out the group I created over there, called Motivation. Many positive, encouraging people over that way, too!

    Best wishes on your fitness journey!

    ~ Chandra
  • frankypetunia
    frankypetunia Posts: 17 Member
    just change your weigh in lol xx