Anyone else doing 1200 cal/day?



  • Frazeemlf
    Frazeemlf Posts: 1 Member
    1200 here, I'm around 164lbs, mum to 3 toddlers. I used MFP after my twins were born to get down to 139.
    My diary is open if you want to add me.
    Started back today, motivated after a pretty excessive holiday period :o

    Hi Mrs. Kitty. I'm also at 1,200 cal per day and my story is similar to yours. I had three toddlers including a set of twins. But....I believe I'm much older than you. I'm now in my 50's and although I lost the weight after my twins, it has come back on. :( I'm blaming it on menopause! I'm at 164 pounds now which is not acceptable to me. I should (and hope to be) at 140 to feel good and keep up with my grand babies. Good luck to will take the weight off just chasing all those toddlers around! Cherish each moment. They go by way to quick! Happy New Year, New Us!
  • RockinMBC
    RockinMBC Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 5'6 and now weighing in at 180 pounds. I've become a post-menopausal wine worshipping eating machine - but the buck stops here. Today. I did WW some years ago and was successful - but I can't remember what my calorie goal was at the time. MFP has me set to 1340 as a default - but I'm toying with the idea of going down to 1200. Maybe I'll give it a go at 1340 for a bit and see if I have positive results or not. I also totally admit I suck at being accountable to myself - so I'm looking to build a large support network - friend me if you like!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I'm 46f, and shoot for 1250 net. It's not bad if you manage 300-400+ calories from exercise. I average closer to1600.

    I agree it's really not sustainable. You'll find 2000+ calorie days once a week or every other week in my diary.

    So don't beat yourself up if you have days that get away from you.

    Good luck!
  • JusticeAshley
    JusticeAshley Posts: 495 Member
    Hi everyone, I just started a few days ago and am also at 1200 calories/day. So far it has been a challenge as I feel like I can eat 1200 calories in one meal. However, I'm looking forward to getting healthier and eating better.
  • sh3rr13
    sh3rr13 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello everyone! 1200 here. I'm 42 and 5 foot nothing and currently weigh 161 lbs. I've been at MFP for a few days now. Loving that MFP is helping me be constantly aware of what I'm putting in my body. Already seeing that I'm a night time cupboard raider. Purchased and activity tracker to link also. Now I just need a few friends on here to help me stay accountable. My goal is 125 and toned. Feel free to add me
  • Becarolach
    Becarolach Posts: 26 Member
    Also in 1200 range been going for a few months but find it hard after the holidays I find having a lot of soup meals helps keep the calories down. Hang in and just keep going it will pay off. Add me as a friend if u want to motivate each other. Either way good luck
  • caseyon2nd
    caseyon2nd Posts: 30 Member
    I range 1100 to 1200, but set my goal for 1100. I tracked all my food by weighing it out for over a year, and was very successful. I have been lazy the last 7 months and have maintained my weight, but I'm ready to lose the last bit I want gone. So I started to weigh it all out again. I forgot that it's not that hard once you start doing it. Also, I find that I'm not stuffing myself, and feeling over full. It's actually nice to know the proper portion and recognize that I'm not actually hungry anymore. The only bad thing is, it's sometimes hard for me to reach the 1100 at times depending on the foods I'm eating. I would love more friends.
  • jennehslater
    jennehslater Posts: 2 Member
    1200 for me too...and it's reassuring to see I'm not the only one!! It's tough but so worth it once the results start showing. You can do it! Stay positive...we got this!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Ive got to ask.. Did everyone in this thread choose the 2lb a week loss option?? 1200 calories is the bare minimum for women, and unless you're very short/elderly and/or sedentary
    there's no need to suffer through each day trying to get by on minimum calories.

    Sorry to butt in, but just wanted to make it clear for newbies that you don't automatically have to default to the lowest calorie option. There's a saying that does the rounds here which is "The winner gets to eat the most calories while still losing weight, not the least", or something like that..

  • jaynerz
    jaynerz Posts: 31 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! I chose .5 a week and it is still 1200, I am only 5'2". I have an open diary. I will probably go over 1200 on weekends and when I exercise