intermittent fasting and skipping breakfast myths



  • Anonymous_fiend
    Anonymous_fiend Posts: 196 Member
    I'll have to try it one day soon. I tend to get hangry in the morning tho
  • hokiemom14
    hokiemom14 Posts: 105 Member
    edited January 2017
    I came across IF a couple days ago on here and starting reading about it. I'm basically on my 1st full day. I ate breakfast yesterday but then didn't eat again until 1 and stopped at 9. I'm holding out until 1 to eat today and so far it's not too bad.

    There were a few things that I liked when I was reading about this. Please tell me if I have it wrong because I'm just hearing about this for the first time. It seems as though your body is burning actual fat during the fasting hours and then building muscle during eating times (if you are working out and trying to do that). That is basically my goal for this year so I thought I would give this a shot and read a few articles that stated this. Also, there is the idea that it's easier to eat less because you are doing it in a shorter time frame. That does not seem to be the case for others who posted above, but it did work out that way for me yesterday. We'll see what happens today.

    I'm not sure I could do more than 16:8, but I'm just over an hour away from eating and so far it's not too bad.

    Do you all eat like this daily or do you do it for a certain amount of time (like 30 days) and then take a break? I told myself I would give it 30 days to see how I feel. I eat a mostly whole food/paleo diet and wasn't interested in making diet changes, but was intrigued by changing the hours of eating.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited January 2017
    miritikvah wrote: »
    I currently eat breakfast when I first get up partially out of habit. The other reason is I've been told you need to eat breakfast in order to have energy, better brain function, and to start your metabolism. I want to try light intermittent fasting but could use some pointers? Other than ending up consuming less calories what are the benefits? Will my metabolism run slower from not breaking my fast after sleeping? Anyone have recomp progress while doing this?

    With IF you're still supposed to hit your calorie targets...IF is used by people with variable weight management objectives, not just weight loss...I know people in maintenance who are doing IF and well as people bulking, etc. You still hit your calorie targets.

    Check this out...

    Personally, it doesn't work for me as I can't fit in that much food in a smallish window. I like eating three squares and a couple of snacks, but a lot of people do well with it. It really comes down to what you're going to adhere to on a consistent basis.
  • ilovesweeties
    ilovesweeties Posts: 84 Member

    It would be interesting to see what would happen if not eating in the morning became a widespread practice?

    It would! I wonder if it is to do with workers needing fed before a morning of manual labour? Before most of us were just sitting at desks all day. I am a public health nutritionist in the UK, so while I know the science behind public health recommendations, it has been interesting while losing weight to see what has worked for me and for others (and how that differs from general public health advice).

  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    I IF during the week, then on weekends usually have brunch with my hubbie. Often this ends up being my normal break-fast time anyway (11), but if we have stuff to do and eat earlier, I don't sweat it.

    IF is great if you'd rather save calories for two satisfying meals, rather than constantly pecking on small ones.

    And here's some reading on the hormonal effects of IF. This is Fung, who is a little crazy about the CICO theory (ignore that, calories DO matter)