Looking for an accountability buddy...

Hi, everyone. My name is Julie. I am 26, and a stay-at-home mom of 3 (ages 5, 3, and 21 months). I am somewhat new to MFP. I did WW last year, lost 50 lbs and reached my goal in Dec. But then the program changed, I let life get in the way, and I have put 20 lbs back on.

I just can't get into the new WW, so I am totally revamping my program. My goal is to lose these 20 by Halloween. I would love to find a buddy, just to check-in with and keep each other motivated!


  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    You sound like me (look in my siggy and you'll see how much I put on after taking over 100lbs. off). I'd love you to be my accountability buddy. I've done great this week, but I need someone to keep pushing me even further. Our kids ages are even close. (April 2006, May 2007, and February 2009). Going to add you right now, "buddy". :)
  • mlegend
    mlegend Posts: 4
    Hey Julie,
    I am also looking for an accountability buddy and it looks like we have similar goals. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • chloeelebeir
    chloeelebeir Posts: 130
    Hey Julie! Love your photo haha! I'm new as well and I'd be happy to provide encouragement! Feel free to friend me
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Please add me as I know what I am like and I will need someone to spur me on!!!!
  • myselfand2dogs
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm also new to MFP last week and starting to get the hang of the web site. I too need some accountability buddies. I have 20# to lose and just can't seem to get it off. About 6 years ago I lost 30 lbs. ( My goal was 50 lbs.) This last 20 will just not come off and I have 5 lbs that come off, back on, come off, back on. That's been going on for 5 years. Would love to join your group.
  • abirdy
    abirdy Posts: 36
    I am also looking for accountability buddies,, I find keeping it off is the hardest work. I usually loose to 10 pounds away from my goal and I can keep it there for approximately a year then it creeps back on.