Help with AIP and Gluten Free diets

Ok, so I've just turned 46 years old and of course struggle with the normal middle age afflictions but I also have Hashimoto's Disease along with Fibromyalgia. Today, I am embarking on an elimination diet called AIP -aka- Auto-Immune Protocol and because I am a glutton for punishment I am also eliminating gluten. So, for 30 days I will be marking my calendar and hoping that by eliminating something will help with some of my symptoms. Has anyone had success by trying the AIP or eliminating gluten?


  • super50loser
    super50loser Posts: 5 Member
    Yes . Going gluten free can be a challenge. Much success to you . I have been gluten free for a year now. I feel better, it's hard but worth it.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I was diagnosed with Celiac last year. I am gluten free and it is a chore. I eat primarily what I make at home (there are two restaurants in my town that are safe and won't make me sick). My meals are mostly Meat, veg & fruits, but I love to bake so I experiment with gluten free baking on the weekends (I just perfected my pizza crust). If you don't have Celiac or non celiac gluten sensitivity It should not be as hard since you don't have to worry about the secret gluten in things. Friend me if you would like I can give you some ideas for gluten free meals. :smile:
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    just starting AIP as well

    just found this site and have tried 2 of the dressings and love them

    we can do this- here is to feeling better
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Aip eliminates gluten Anyway so it's not extra "punishment". Keep things super simple right now. Meat, seafood, veggies, and some fruits should be your main focus. Easiest recipes would be like roasting a whole chicken, baking salmon, or meatloaf - I like to hide liver and vegetables in them - alongside with Leafy greens and other vegetables. You might have to buy some extra oils and seasonings at first, but hold off on the flours. they're usually not needed except for treats, which are usually complicated recipes and shouldn't be eaten often anyway until your symptoms improve. It doesn't mean you can't eat any treats, but if you're eating a bunch of new stuff and not seeing any results, then you might be reacting to an Aip friendly food.

    It's overwhelming at first, but after a while cooking becomes kind of fun. I like trying new foods now and my symptoms have improved significantly! Still have a long way to go, but add me if you wish :)
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    I am just starting gluten free for auto immune disease. Would love any tips or tricks!
  • CanvasCreator
    CanvasCreator Posts: 23 Member
    I've been gluten and dairy free for over a year. Add me. :)