Starting over again

Hey all...i was original 285lbs and got down to 190 in 2014 2015....then life happened hard....moved...had a stress...personal problems and here i am back at 256lbs!! Time to get my butt back in gear!! This time it will stick!!!


  • nbradford75
    nbradford75 Posts: 14 Member
    You did once so you KNOW you can do it again! Good luck!
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Now's your chance to use this time around to adopt permanent exercise and diet routines to keep it off forever. You got this!

    Too many people use MFP as a diet then walk away from it when they hit their target weight. 1-2 years later they are back doing it all over again. You at least came back before you hit your original weight, so you did the right thing. Good for you!