Where do I start?

I'm 22 years old, weigh 160 lbs, and I'm 5'8. So I'm not very overweight. I do want to lose some weight, but my main goal is to get in shape. I've always been a bit of a couch potato. I hardly ever work out. I do work as a sales associate though so I can be on my feet working for up to 8 hours. Walking is easy for me. However, when I try to do any other type of exercise, I'm really weak. I can barely do anything at all. I try to do blogilates videos on youtube and I can't do any of them. I even tried the beginner one and I can't get past the first exercise. I know walking isn't really going to do much since I already do that everyday so I really don't know where to start.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    NROL4W, 30 day shread, c25k, google bodyweight exercises
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Walking can do lots! So many people start by just walking. If you're not used to exercise, then starting slow by walking is ideal.

    Now what are your goals? Are they strength related or cardio related? That would be something to think of so you can look into stuff that would help you with your goals.

    Losing weight requires consuming less calories than you burn.
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    I agree, walk walk walk!! If you put some effort (faster pace as you build up), it can do wonders. Then once you start getting some endurance and strength, you can start working other things into the workout routine. Tracking your calories and mindful eating will really help you too. Did you enter your stats in this site to get some calorie guidelines?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I highly suggest resistance training. You are minimally overweight. Consistent training 3x/wk plus a 250 calorie deficit is going to do wonders for you. Here is a thread to get started:


    Read through the beginner programs and then ask any questions you may have.
  • shagerty777
    shagerty777 Posts: 185 Member
    If it's strength you want listen to @jemhh and check out that link. Pick a program that looks good, do it exactly as it's written, give it several months and track your success. You'll be amazed how much you progress over time.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    mroyat94 wrote: »
    I know walking isn't really going to do much since I already do that everyday so I really don't know where to start.

    Try as many different things as you can, and see what you enjoy. Then stick with the things that are fun.

    Also, strength training (like lifting weights, or pulling on resistance bands) isn't fun or enjoyable, but it's very good for you, especially while you lose weights. You should do this even though it's not fun.
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    edited January 2017
    Also, strength training (like lifting weights, or pulling on resistance bands) isn't fun or enjoyable, but it's very good for you, especially while you lose weights. You should do this even though it's not fun.

    I think lifting is fun! :) It's the cardio I don't enjoy. Just started a boxing circuit workout that uses weights. At least it keeps moving and keeps it interesting. There are ways to make it more tolerable!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    5'8" and 160lb is right in the normal weight for your height...so you might want to focus on body recomp rather than losing weight
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    Get into resistance training. Great way to recomp your body and it's nothing like cardio which sucks!! :)
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    Try cycling. It's a great calorie burn and you can make it as intense as you want.
  • elena0825
    elena0825 Posts: 5 Member
    Pilates on YouTube that I use and love for their simple and effective workouts are: Sophie at
    Efit30, and Anges Pilates....soooooo goood!
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    Hi, Blogilates and anything like that is a good place to start as you can do it at home and no one can see you. I'd not bother with anything you have to pay for yet, so 30 day shreds or piit28, as you say you aren't able to do casseys full free sessions yet. You're not alone in being a complete beginner. Just give yourself time and keep trying. Even if you only manage 1 or 2 of anything you will still improve if you do it a few times a week. Find exercises that you can do but still challenge you and just improve on them. If you can only hold a plank for 5 seconds at a time, so be it, do 5 seconds, rest for however long you need and do it as many times as you can. Do the same for any other exercise that targets the spots you want to improve. One box pushup, rest, another box push up.. do that till you can do them stretched out on your knees (even if you have to do 2 stretched out and then back into box). Don't get discouraged because you're 'weak' you've not been specifically training your muscles it will take time to build up any sort of endurance.

    Try 10 minute solutions I started off with these workouts many moons ago and used 1lb weights, i now do it with 5kgs. Resistant bands are also useful and don't take up any space.

    Walking is good for you, don't let the fact it seems easy put you off, if your job is mainly standing about, walking will help stretch you out and keep you mobile, you could progress to running from there. There are plenty couch to 5k plans out there that you could follow.

    Swimming is also good way to slowly build up some muscle and cardio endurance. If there are any coached swim sessions you can go to they would help quite abit, if not youtube some drills, get yourself a dual pull-bouy (one that acts as leg and arm bouy to save having to carry 2) and have at it.

    If you want to do a particular exercise but it is too much for you, just google for a modification of it and work your way up to doing the advanced version, i.e. pushups, start doing them stood up with your hands on the kitchen counter or your stairs, work your way down the stairs until you're at full stretch on the floor, then legs on the chair, then pike, then handstands! woohoo! ok.. that might take a while. ;)

    Just remember any exercise is better than sitting on a couch.
  • stephmph16
    stephmph16 Posts: 114 Member
    Stella3838 wrote: »
    Also, strength training (like lifting weights, or pulling on resistance bands) isn't fun or enjoyable, but it's very good for you, especially while you lose weights. You should do this even though it's not fun.

    I think lifting is fun! :) It's the cardio I don't enjoy. Just started a boxing circuit workout that uses weights. At least it keeps moving and keeps it interesting. There are ways to make it more tolerable!

    Same, I much prefer lifting to cardio. Cardio bores me to tears!
  • stephmph16
    stephmph16 Posts: 114 Member
    @mroyat94 Check out Fitness Marshall on Youtube. It's a blast.
  • vmsolko
    vmsolko Posts: 51 Member
    Try some sites that allow you to work up or provide a calendar for beginners.

    I started with www.hasfit.com. It's a free site by a husband and wife team with hundreds of videos. I started with the 30-day beginner program calendar, but they have lots of calendars for your individual fitness and you can pick and choose based on type of workout, body part, fitness level, length of workout, etc so it is really easy to find something you'll like. I like the calendar because it takes the choosing out since it's already done for you. You know what you have to do, so you waste less time deciding and maybe talking yourself out of it.
    Almost 3 years ago I started doing videos with 3-5 lb dumbbells on certain lifting moves and now on those same moves I'm using 25#.
    Even if you start just doing 5-10 minute videos, at least it's something, and you can work up from there.
    Fitnessblender.com is also a good site for finding a workout that you'll like that meets specific needs.
  • amers271
    amers271 Posts: 17 Member
    There have been a lot of helpful comments already. Try out a lot of different things and see what you like.

    Try some hobbies to see if they might be a nice fit. Something that's fun and is exercise at the same time! For example, my husband lost weight a few years back by getting really into swing dancing - taking a bunch of classes and going out and meeting people at social dances. If you live in a city, you'll be able to find a ballroom or dance hall that teaches swing, salsa, blues, etc. Any of those are FUN and a great workout!

    Other activities could be hiking (since you already walk a lot, this would be a good upgrade), swimming, or working your way up to running 5Ks and doing the fun runs like the ones with bubbles, colored paint at the end or the mud run.