Water reminders



  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    Just set an hourly reminder for yourself. I also forget. I have placed my water in a place that I will see it and therefore think about it. I keep a tally of how many cups I have had. Otherwise I will not drink anything beyond my morning coffee or a glass of milk.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,064 Member
    I am 53 and havent noticed any waning in thirst signals nor any noticable difference in how much liquid I consume,( I dont track it so I dont really know) nor do I get kidney infections or any other relevant conditions.

    MY thoughts: unless you have a medical issue, like recurring UTI's or kidney function issues or any other actual reason to monitor this - just drink when you want to and dont stress about the amount.

    Unless you are trekking through the desert or something, when dehydration might really be an issue.

    So I guess in answer to Op's question - what do I do to help stay hydrated through the day?

    I just drink if I feel like drinking.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Yeah, , just like paperpudding said.
  • julyrunner
    julyrunner Posts: 79 Member
    I wonder why MFP hasn't implemented water reminders? It would be simple enough, you can already set meal and weight logging reminders. I intermittently use Waterlogged but I would love to minimize the number of apps I use / have everything in one place. This seems like low-hanging fruit as a feature.