
Good or Bad?? Dont understand while some say its ok when dieting others say No?! Confused.


  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    I drink several cups a day. Black. If it's loaded with cream and sugar or a specialty coffee, then that's a ton of extra calories. Sometimes I drink it shortly before a workout for a caffeine burst. There are article about health benefits of coffee you could search for, but there are always two sides. Personally, I love it and there aren't many calories in several cups.
  • milestoolin
    milestoolin Posts: 1 Member
    kimerfy wrote: »
    Good or Bad?? Dont understand while some say its ok when dieting others say No?! Confused.

    Coffee is fine. I drink long black or espresso depending how I'm feeling. I decide if I want to use my sugar in my coffee for the day or not, It's really your choice. Just make a conscious decision.

    If you're a milk person you can use almond milk to reduce your calories.

    Good luck.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm not aware of people saying it's bad.

    I love it, black. Am currently cutting down as drinking too much affects my sleep, which is bad.
  • megann120
    megann120 Posts: 47 Member
    I switched to decaf as I love it and drink a lot. Now when I sometimes need the caffeine rush normal coffee really works.
    I have also switched to sweetener so now it's jus a half a cup of milk worth of nutrients and that fits into my diet perfectly.
    I think nothing is good/bad, it depends how you use it x
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited January 2017
    There's nothing wrong with drinking coffee if you like it. It doesn't have any significant effect upon weight loss either way. Caffeine is a mild stimulant, but it doesn't "rev up" weight loss like some people think (and certainly not like how the supplement industry markets/advertises it). I drink at least one cup of coffee every morning and at least one cup of decaf every night and have done so throughout my weight loss. If you use half&half/creamer or sweetener, just be sure you're logging the calories.

    The only issue is that if your "coffee" is one of those Starbucks triple mocha frappe latte mochacchinospresso abominations, it can pack a lot of calories that you'll have to account for and fit into your daily goals.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've never heard anyone say's actually full of antioxidants and a decent source of potassium. Black coffee is about 2 calories. It is a stimulant so it will very slightly increase energy expenditure.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Coffee is fine. I love coffee, and I drink 3-5 cups per day. The issue really is if you add sugar, cream or milk, or drink a lot of speciality "coffee"drinks (mochas, frappiccunos, etc) you can consume a ton of calories without realizing it.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Coffee is fine.

    Coffee flavored with creams and sugar and syrups can be highly caloric. It's easy to hit 400+ calories with those. If you are trying to lose weight , cutting back on that type of thing is usually necessary.

    As for me, I drink a pot of French roast coffee mixed with 8 ounces of 2% or whole milk every day. It fits in my calorie budget and goes toward my protein goal.

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Do you have a bad reaction to it?

    If no, then there is nothing wrong with you drinking it.
  • mjbnj0001
    mjbnj0001 Posts: 1,121 Member
    90% of the time i drink my coffee black (more per day when younger, now 2-3 cups/day). the rest of the time, i diligently log the milk or half/half i use (99.999995% of the time i never use sugar). it may boost your metabolism a smidgen, but don't count on caffeine to melt away pounds - or even ounces. this includes the "green coffee" pills fad from a couple of years ago - in my own experience they didn't make a difference. recent coffee studies seem to show it has antioxidant and other benefits, but following the old advice, "moderation in all things" is probably ok for most of us without cardiac rhythm issues, etc.

    bonus trivia: the old "coffee will stunt your growth" advice seems to have been derived from advertising from the mid-20th-century product, Postum (roasted grain beverage) which competed against coffee.
  • StickityGirl13
    StickityGirl13 Posts: 1 Member
    Depends if it's American processed. Coffee has fiber and in most countries, the coffee is healthy and free of the extra chemicals you only get in the US.
  • showerbeer182
    showerbeer182 Posts: 798 Member
    Ooooooh baby I love my coffee...I do add like..a splash of cream annnnd a lil raw sugar but come on you need it!!! I think coffee actually helps you burn your food faster...or like...metabolize....ooh how about that fancy science word??? Anyways ummm yah fan of coffee here.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Depends if it's American processed. Coffee has fiber and in most countries, the coffee is healthy and free of the extra chemicals you only get in the US.

    What on earth are you talking about? Processing occurs where coffee is grown, and the only American grown coffee is in Hawaii. There are three types of processing: wet, dry, and honey. Where are the extra chemicals?
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Depends if it's American processed. Coffee has fiber and in most countries, the coffee is healthy and free of the extra chemicals you only get in the US.

    I don't know what coffee you're talking about, but the Folgers I can get in the US doesn't list any chemicals in the ingredients.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited January 2017
    OP, the only thing that is bad for losing weight is eating too many calories, seriously. Sugar isn't bad for weight loss, fat isn't bad for weight loss, protein isn't bad for weight loss, and carbs are not bad for weight loss.
    Depends if it's American processed. Coffee has fiber and in most countries, the coffee is healthy and free of the extra chemicals you only get in the US.

    Please post a reputable source (science) to back this up @StickityGirl13 Thanks.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Depends if it's American processed. Coffee has fiber and in most countries, the coffee is healthy and free of the extra chemicals you only get in the US.

  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,026 Member
    Depends if it's American processed. Coffee has fiber and in most countries, the coffee is healthy and free of the extra chemicals you only get in the US.

    Also, the drink that is what most people mean when they say coffee (rather than the beans that it is brewed from) does not have fiber.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Stella3838 wrote: »
    I drink several cups a day. Black. If it's loaded with cream and sugar or a specialty coffee, then that's a ton of extra calories. Sometimes I drink it shortly before a workout for a caffeine burst. There are article about health benefits of coffee you could search for, but there are always two sides. Personally, I love it and there aren't many calories in several cups.

    Same here!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Depends if it's American processed. Coffee has fiber and in most countries, the coffee is healthy and free of the extra chemicals you only get in the US.
