back after 3 months of constant crazy.

Had a rough last few months.March 7th I started a new job with a fantastic client. She came further than her Dr's thought she ever would have to the point of walking and doing things independantly. She had come home in a wheel chair and we were told she would never walk without assistance and a walker. After almost 2 months and fantastic progress she had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulence. She was not breathing and unresponsive for over 45 minutes when her heart was restarted. Anyone who knows anything about the brain knows that after just minutes of oxygen depravation cells begin to die. After 3 days of sitting by her side and holding her lifeless hand she was finally allowed to rest. May 6th she passed. Not only was she a client but she was also a family member. of sorts. She was a ward of the state and in a life sharing program where she lived in almost a foster type setting in the home of a lifesharing provider. Her lifesharing provider is my dad's girlfriend. It ws very hard losing her for myself and my daughters who were with me 1-2 days a week while I worked.

Then I lost my grandmother in May which was devistating since I was very close with her. I am still very saddened by her death to the point I may need some counciling. The same day she died My husband and I renewed our wedding vows. We celebrated 10 years of marriage in May.

In June my daughters turned 5. They are quickly growning into big girls. I love them and my husband with all my heart.

I am still in college although I took the summer off to focus on things. Working a full time and a part time job as well.

Just invested in a Wii for the rainy days and got Just dance for my birthday from my sister. Gotta get the pounds off!!

I am down to a comfortable size 8 in jeans although idk how since I gained back 15 lbs from eating crappy food. So, all in all Things are starting to smooth out but I need some encouragement!


  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    ou're back thats what important.....good luck
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    I can relate....I too have had some crazy months recently. Lets jump back in together! we can make this work!
  • mmccullough2
    mmccullough2 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey, regret your loss, welcome back. It's always tough when you've been that busy and then you've got a gap. It take a moment or two to adjust. I'm glad you are back.
  • Thanks everyone. I have to get back on track. Was almost to 40 lbs and $@#%... I am disappointed in myself mostly. My kids need a good role model and not sticking with my goal and keeping healthy is not being a good role model. I am, however, only human. So, time for this chick to get back on the wagon and back to my goal.