Tell me about your exercise routine

How do y'all so y'alls workouts? Daily or every other day? I've been trying to about 20 mins daily. But yesterday I did a lot of leg and core workouts so I'm cramping. Would it be good to still do a little today? Just not as much leg stuff or stay at the same exercise? I don't wanna fatigue my body.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited January 2017
    I lift on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday following a non-linear undulating periodization scheme. I cycle on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I walk during my lunch breaks on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Thursday is typically my rest day. I do some yoga here and there.

    My rides vary from long rides, shorter interval rides, hill repeats, recovery rides, etc.
  • showerbeer182
    showerbeer182 Posts: 798 Member
    Well here is the thing...I do p90x3...I also love to get my run on daily...usually do like 4 miles and then I am doing a lil ice hockey twice a week!
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Well here is the thing...I do p90x3...I also love to get my run on daily...usually do like 4 miles and then I am doing a lil ice hockey twice a week!

    @showerbeer182 When I saw your name I assumed that WAS your exercise routine. :D
  • showerbeer182
    showerbeer182 Posts: 798 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    Well here is the thing...I do p90x3...I also love to get my run on daily...usually do like 4 miles and then I am doing a lil ice hockey twice a week!

    @showerbeer182 When I saw your name I assumed that WAS your exercise routine. :D

    Hahaha that's my reward
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    nevara77 wrote: »
    How do y'all so y'alls workouts?

    I pay $84 a year to the state, who distributes it somehow to people who drive a big machine around the woods in the snowy mountains. Then I drive an hour or more, and ski on the trails they groomed. I'm sitting here looking at the grooming report, hitting the refresh button, waiting for an update. Planned to spend 3 or 4 hours skiing today. Looks like it might be a bike ride instead.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    I lift basically everyday just working one body part a day once a week. No more than 30-40 mins max. That said, I'm also more maintaining now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Lesley2603
    Lesley2603 Posts: 119 Member
    I do Pilates Monday and Wednesday, lift Tuesday and Thursday, walk between 5 and 7 Miles Monday through Saturday and try to do the same on Sunday but am not too worried about Sunday.
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    Mine is fairly static and looks like:
    Mon 6am Gym (Upper Body 5x5)
    Tue Rest
    Wed 6am Gym (lower body 5x5)
    Thu Rest (or 60min road cycle in summer)
    Fri 6am Gym (whole body 3 group supersets, reps of 10,15,20)
    Sat 1hr karate
    Sun 1hr karate

    I have a static job so need as much movement as I can!
  • LulaicaLoses
    LulaicaLoses Posts: 36 Member
    I alternate biking and walking (sometimes with some jogging) MWF and TRS respectfully. And I'm currently doing back on pointe's January challenge this month from Tumblr. It incorporates different focus areas each day and she offers a ton of options so you can make the challenge focus on your needs.
  • Mazintrov13
    Mazintrov13 Posts: 134 Member
    I am focusing on body recomp/ gaining muscle so I am doing a hypertrophy weight lifting routine 5 X a week.
    Sunday- glute isolation and HIIT
    Monday- back and steady state cardio
    Tuesday- legs (squat day)
    Wednesday- shoulders and triceps
    Thursday- legs (deadlift day)
  • stephmph16
    stephmph16 Posts: 114 Member
    I go to the gym 5-6 days a week. M/W/F I do lots of squats/lunges/rowing/cardio and T/TH/S I do more workout machines. Sun is rest day. As a family we go on walks (when it's not so damn snowy) and hikes on the weekends. When my baby is older this summer I plan on getting her on my road bike with me.

    I like going to the gym, it keeps me happy and from stabbing people.

    If I were you, I'd go and just work arms. Give your legs a rest if you feel you need it. Be sure to stretch a lot too after you workout, and take an epsom salt bath before bed.
  • swiese86
    swiese86 Posts: 2 Member
    Monday - spin plus weights (chest, bis/tris and core)
    Tuesday - cardiovascular running class plus weights (shoulders and legs)
    Wednesday - spin plus light weights
    Thursday - 2 mile run plus intense weight sets (chest, bis/tris and core)
    Friday - Eliptical plus intense weights (shoulders)
    Saturday - light cardiovascular
    Sunday - rest/recovery
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I lift 3x per week, full body with focus on glutes and legs. I also do one yoga session per week.
    You will feel sore in the beginning more with a new program, I will usually do some stretching, walking or light cardio if I am in a lot of pain the next day which I find helps the soreness. Listen to your body and don't overdo it if you feel injured in any way.
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    6 days a week push-pull-legs split + 30 minutes of cardio after every session.
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    I run 5 days a week: 6 miles, 4, 6, rest, 5, 9, rest. On rest days I'll do some biking or use the elliptical or swim if I'm able. In fact, I try to swim when I can even in addition to running or simply in place of it. But I travel 18 days a month for work, so swimming is hit or miss. I also try to do some body weight exercises most days of the week and hit 15K steps regardless of what formal workout I do.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I do something every day, have ramped up to an hour most days. I run almost every day on my treadmill, and intersperse stationary bike, free weights and bodyweight circuit stuff for variety, depending on what I feel like. A 'rest day' might be a good long walk around my neighbourhood if I'm under the weather or exceptionally tired (or ahem, a little hungover like today).
  • bketchum1981
    bketchum1981 Posts: 130 Member
    edited January 2017
    @NorthCascades or any others who have an interest...Will you give a little more info about your ski experience? I'm thinking of doing the Michigan DNR HeartMISnow virtual 5K. The activity I choose is up to me. I want to do cross country skiing.

    I ran 3 - 5Ks and did a Tough Mudder this summer. I continue to workout regularly. Just wondering if cross country skiing a 5K is doable without significant training? It's not that I've NEVER XC skied but I have no means of judging how much stamina/endurance is necessary for a 5K.
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    Gym - M/W/F - 1.5 hrs of Xtrainer & treadmill, core/floor exerrcise and weights for the legs/lower body.

    T/Th - 1.5 hrs of Xtrainer & treadmill, core/floor exercise and weights for the arms/upper-body.

    Weekends I try and walk, but will take up cycling at the end of this month.
  • DiamondCookies
    DiamondCookies Posts: 93 Member
    edited January 2017
    I don't really have a strict regimen right now; I'm working up to that, since I signed up for an hour long weightlifting class for my spring semester.

    Currently I do half an hour of hatha yoga about 5x a week, resting when my muscles get too sore. I also keep two 10 pound dumbbells by the TV so that I can do curls and overhead presses while video games are loading or playing a cutscene.

    During the school year I spend about 2 hours of my day just walking, so I don't usually do any exercise on top of that, but I do yoga on the weekends with friends and occasionally go swimming or use the elliptical.