2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Continued thanks for all of the mentors who are signing up!!! Your names have been added to the opening post. Keep em coming!

    For people who are posting that want to be adopted, please review the list in the opening post and reach out to one of them to ask if they will mentor you.
  • ellielove2017
    ellielove2017 Posts: 8 Member
    Would love to be adopted!! I'm 21 with an ultimate goal of 150. To reach that goal I have to lose 20 pounds. I know it's not a lot, but it's a stubborn 20 pounds!! I work out okay, but I would love some guidance to workouts. I also would love some help with food and food choices. I cook when I'm at school, but I would love to cook some delicious healthy food! Logging my food, even though it's only been a few days, has been so helpful with not over eating, but I definitely want to lose the weight. Message me! :)
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am going to go ahead and put my self out there, and say I would love to be adopted..
    Due to unhealthy eating habits and bed rest on pregnancy, I gained approximately 80 lbs this past two years. My short term goal is to lose 1-2 lbs per week (CICO, clean eating, workout regime), and long term is about 120 lbs or so. My wedding is February 2018, which has really jump started my motivation, but I need more than that. I want to feel healthy for a long time not just a year.
  • lldavidson63
    lldavidson63 Posts: 3 Member
    I need a mentor too. I was here about a year ago but didn't stick with it. It's time for me to make a change, so I'm back.
    I'm 53 years old and have a lot of weight to lose. If someone would like try help me, that would be great.

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I have accepted two requests for mentoring, so not looking to adopt more people at this time.
  • SheenaBall
    SheenaBall Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I'm not super new to MFP or weight loss, but I could definitely use the right mentor for support. I am a 32F and my husband and I live in Mongolia (and it's nothing like Mongolian BBQ you get in America). I started MFP years ago at 195 lbs, lost 30 but while I was working 80+ hours a week put it back on quickly. Prior to MFP I did Livestrong, and before that, paper journals. Last year I rejoined MFP after finding out living in Mongolia is not as magical as living in Nepal where I lost 50 pounds (as a vegetarian living at high altitude with a Parasite) but was cycling in my weight so I got serious. I lost that 30 pounds easily right away again (about 90 days) but then with a busy summer stayed there the rest of the year. But I go visit America in November and want to be 120-125 when I get there and have a goal to lose 1 pound a week. I prefer my mentor to be female, as I also struggle with some health issues like endometriosis, an injured ankle, and a lot of back and joint pain (very recently). But I don't believe in excuses, believe in 100% honesty and integrity, track diligently measuring with a scale and using my Apple Watch for calories burned, believe in the 3500 calorie math and am not afraid to be honest with myself. I require grace - with that one serving of chocolate per day, best if in the form of Oreos. It's my comfort away from home and a psych thing for me. No more food after the Oreos and I'm pretty satisfied with that. I'm hoping for a cheerleader who will also remind me that it's not just about calories but healthy choices and getting some protein too, and who will understand when I post a quick calories with that note of "I have no idea how much sheep's fat I was responsible to consume today at that meeting". Hopeful for a good match - I'd be really appreciative of someone to connect with - primarily for motivation and accountability.
  • FitnTrimSteve
    FitnTrimSteve Posts: 664 Member
    I would appreciate being adopted by a mentor. I'm 46 with asthma so exercising is a bit of a challenge (though I'm improving that little by little). I've tried WW multiple times with little success. CW=244.6 GW=195. My biggest trouble area is in stress/boredom eating late at night. Ideally, I'd like to lose about 1.5lbs per week on average.

    My main goal is to drop 50 pounds and build some functional body strength with increased lung strength by eating lean meats, fruits and veggies and doing a combination of cardio and body weight strength training.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Djproulx wrote: »
    I have accepted two requests for mentoring, so not looking to adopt more people at this time.

    Awesome! Thank you so much @Djproulx for adopting two folks. I will remove your name from the mentor list in the OP. Thanks again!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Remove my name too as I've adopted 3 :smile: .
    Thanks, Ruth
  • FitnTrimSteve
    FitnTrimSteve Posts: 664 Member
    I've tried a couple of times to message someone about mentoring me and the system won't send the message. Has anyone else had that issue?
  • Not sure, but I think you have to send a friend request first. I could be wrong tho.
  • FitnTrimSteve
    FitnTrimSteve Posts: 664 Member
    Ok. Thanks.
  • path_to_retire
    path_to_retire Posts: 2 Member

    Cheryl, I keep getting an error sending you a private message, so I'll post here. I won't go into all the details I was including in the private email, but I am looking for someone with a similar story (age, weight, etc.). I'm a 60 y/o female, really beginning to see the effects of lifelong weight issues. Retirement is still a few years away, but I want to have some really GREAT years to enjoy retirement. If you are still accepting adoptees, I'm interested! Pat (path_to_retire)
  • tcuhrndfrog
    tcuhrndfrog Posts: 4 Member
    I'm looking to be adopted by someone who is willing to provide guidance about this app, nutrition, and exercise.
  • JusticeAshley
    JusticeAshley Posts: 495 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello everyone, I just started MFP about a week ago. I've been trying to eat healthier and lot 1.5 pounds this week. I'm 29 years old, 5'1 and weigh 164 pounds. I would love to have a mentor to assist me in getting healthier. Thank you!
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    Hi, happy to be a mentor.

    Bit about me. 44, been training 10 years or so (properly, not properly before that!). Went from 16st to 12.5st then up to 13.5 where I am now. Maintaining 12.5 wasnt really for me. In those 10 years I've enjoyed obsessing about nutrition while researching different supplements (whats a con and what isnt) and learning about different workout routines.

    Currently I train 3 days per week at 6.30am, train karate 2 sessions per week and teach kids 2 sessions per week.

    Am a father of 3 and run a business. Never a moment to myself!

    Oh, and live NE England (Newcastle).
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    edited January 2017
    brdnw wrote: »
    I'd be glad to mentor someone.

    I went from 285 to 190, the bulk of it, 65lbs, I lost in 7 months. For weight loss you have to eat well and then lifting / cardio supplements that.

    I'm a strong endorser though of lifting while also adjusting your diet. Lifting gives you many benefits, it increases your confidence, makes you physically stronger, enhances your athletic ability and ensures you don't look 'skinny fat'.

    I just wouldn't want to mentor someone that thinks going to the gym 3x a week is enough. I can't get behind that. I have a busy career, dog, i'm a home owner, i have a gf, i'm usually in a few rec sports (volleyball and flag football) and i still lift 7x a week.

    Here is also a bit more details about how i progressed (with ups/downs in the middle) incase that adds any perspective:

  • johnnyledford1
    johnnyledford1 Posts: 13 Member
    Nood here need to be adopted by someone willing to consider that I just joined on December 01, 2016 and have lost 35 pounds as of January 07, 2017. that's 324 down to 289 in 5 weeks just using My Fitness Pal and logging everything I eat and drink. I kicked the soda habit, cut sugar almost to zero, etc.
  • tinahamburger
    tinahamburger Posts: 5 Member
    I am interested in a mentor, but instead of replying to this thread, I accidentally created a "discussion" in the "Getting Started" forum. If you are interested in mentoring someone, please feel free to read my bio there. Thanks! :)
  • lydiababs
    lydiababs Posts: 13 Member
    If anybody would like to mentor me that would be terrific. I know I am a little late, but thought I would try. Feel free to add me and message me. Thanks! :)
This discussion has been closed.