Runners- share your run!



  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    Did 5 miles today and kept it slow. Had tummy troubles, then I was hot and then cold and then hot. And my legs were tired. And then my GPS chimed in 5 miles and it felt glorious to be done. Paced over 9 minutes a mile, but I am recovering from a cold and I still have a nasty cough. Supposed to do 9 miles tomorrow. That may result in death, so I might decide to ride instead for approximately the same amount of time.
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    Did a slow 8 miles today. Felt great throughout except I was starting to get cold as the temperatures dropped about 10 degrees and my hands despite gloves become ice cubes. Tomorrow will be a very long day at work so I'm glad I got my long run done today. I still feel a little on the sick side, but definitely on the mend.
  • bigmanatee
    bigmanatee Posts: 65 Member
    3.5 miles in 80 degree weather. Hope this warms you cold weather runners.7ap31wxt9bhw.jpg
  • shagerty777
    shagerty777 Posts: 185 Member
    @bigmanatee, 80 degrees is far to warm to run... :D I'll be doing it again in the morning if anyone wants to come and join me!!
  • rks581
    rks581 Posts: 99 Member
    Endomondo interval training based on C25K, 2.9 km in 25 minutes here. On a treadmill, it's too cold to run outside (I could do it but don't have great cold weather gear). Part of that was a 10 minute warmup/cooldown so it's not as slow as it seems, I averaged about 8:00 min/km on the running segments.
  • mandabeth34
    mandabeth34 Posts: 158 Member
    3 miles in the snow. Made me slow as hell but was a great cushion on my joints. Windchill of 9 degrees. Happy winter running!
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    bigmanatee wrote: »
    3.5 miles in 80 degree weather. Hope this warms you cold weather runners.

    I hate you, LOL


    Okay, after seeing the eyesicles you've got going on there, I'm no longer going to stress about having to run 11 miles tomorrow in 45 degree weather. (I'm Floridian)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    A good 6miles today. Wasn't expecting quite so many muddy puddles on the tow path, have up leaping round them and just accepted the wet feet/muddy shoes instead. Was running faster than I should be, need to make myself slow down so I can up the distance better.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    edited January 2017
    3 miles in the snow. Made me slow as hell but was a great cushion on my joints. Windchill of 9 degrees. Happy winter running!

    You're braver than me. I was going to go outside, but it's been snowing steadily for quite a few hours now (I'm in MA) so I wimped out and did 10k on the treadmill instead.
  • shagerty777
    shagerty777 Posts: 185 Member
    I wimped out this morning, the streets were pretty slick from what little snow we have so I did 5 miles on the treadmill this morning. It was 3 degrees outside and now they are saying it's going to be 60 degrees Monday...
  • silverfiend
    silverfiend Posts: 329 Member
    this is a non-run post. I set my alarm and got up at 4:45 to run before work, but then went back to bed. The 0 degree temp wasn't bothering me, it was all of yesterday's snow melting in the sun and then re-freezing during the night. If I fell and broke something, I'd be a loss worse off than missing one day of running. Got a 10 miler tomorrow so not stressing about missing a few miles today.

    @mommarnurse LOL at "eyesicles". I gotta remember that one.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,691 Member
    Silverfiend - I get icicles in my hair, but I've never been cold enough to get them in my eyelashes!

    I did my 16 mile long run this afternoon - 20 degrees felt like 14, but it wasn't bad because most of the run was away from the wind.

    Amyrebecca - do you live in Miami?
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,691 Member
    8.4 mile MP run in "feels like' 1 degree. Only the last mile into the wind was really uncomfortable. I won't be in a hurry to do that again.
  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member
    edited January 2017
    5 miles/8k today in 20 degrees (Fahrenheit) with the sun shining and snow still on the ground. 11:15 pace which is pretty good for me!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member

    Next week i'll finally hit my 10k goal. yay!
    t.JPG 23.7K
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    Did 5 miles on the treadmill yesterday. Cleaning lady comes in 12 minutes and I need to figure out if I'm going to get dressed for an outside run or a treadmill run.
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    Got out for a run with a few people from the office today, we have started up a bit of a running club here for people of different abilities.

    I managed to put in a 23 min 5k. Happy with that because I totally failed at my long run on Sunday, ended up calling it a day at 10 miles after 2 hours because I was just not feeling the love!
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    Fell off the wagon with posting about runs. Here they are since my last post. r0gaev4vaxmd.png
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    5k in a little over 39 minutes. finally broke the 40' barrier and i couldn't be happier.