Anyone from the UK?



  • indigouk
    indigouk Posts: 9 Member
    Nottingham here if anyone needs another friend!
  • MrsPabloDaBear
    MrsPabloDaBear Posts: 2 Member

    Near Glasgow! Back on MFP determined to shift the mummy tummy in 2017 :D
    My diary is always open :D
    I struggle to get time to exercise being a working mum of 3 toddlers (a 3 year old and 2 year old twins) but ďetermined to start home workouts when the bambinos are sleeping...any recommendations appreciated :)

    Fellow Mummy here too! There's lots of short workouts on YouTube you can find for when the little ones are napping :)

    Here's a quick one for you all if you fancy it?
    It's HIIT inspired and trust me if you haven't done any exercise for a while you will feel the burn because I did!
    Also DOMS to the max the next day! (Delayed Oneset Muscle Soreness)

    So here we go:
    45 Seconds of Pop Squats
    15 Second Rest
    45 Seconds of Half Squats
    15 Seconds Rest
    45 Seconds of 360 Squats
    15 Seconds rest
    45 Seconds of Jumping Lunge
    15 Seconds rest
    45 Seconds of Squat Hold

    Repeat 4 times (if you can)

    Thank me/Hate me later ;)

    If you're unsure of any of the moves just have a quick Google or YouTube :)
    You're Welcome :)
  • Annibreadnjammi
    Annibreadnjammi Posts: 1 Member
    UK, Essex here x Anyone can add me x
  • kims19622016
    kims19622016 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm from the Portsmouth area, now living in Spain but eating English food!
  • Graham7679
    Graham7679 Posts: 52 Member
    feel free add me
  • sphinx72
    sphinx72 Posts: 4 Member
    Im from.Birmingham as well
  • Rowellswales
    Rowellswales Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am from Bury St edmunds in Suffolk UK. Please feel to add me - that applies to anyone reading this
  • Hi Everyone Im in Sussex :)
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    edited January 2017
    Londoner here

  • tryingtogetfit92
    tryingtogetfit92 Posts: 7 Member
    Im in UK! London :) Feel free to add me
  • Justjayde1984
    Justjayde1984 Posts: 187 Member
    From Brummie Land Birmingham lol.
  • FransessM
    FransessM Posts: 20 Member
    Manchester here! Add me :)
  • BanksySJ11
    BanksySJ11 Posts: 96 Member
    West Yorkshire, always happy to have more pals
  • boonahh
    boonahh Posts: 1 Member
    Jersey here, anyone else from CI?
  • sachaxlouisex
    sachaxlouisex Posts: 5 Member
    London feel free to add! x
  • ciaraos27
    ciaraos27 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in London. Been lax on diet but going to kick *kitten* this year! Could do with more friends on here!
  • Hi I am from Birmingham originally but living in Cheshire at the moment. Completely new to this app so just attempting to find my way around x
  • panyg
    panyg Posts: 597 Member
    edited January 2017
    Im in London. New friends are always welcome, add away!
  • richardholt2011
    richardholt2011 Posts: 118 Member
    I am in London and happy to make new friends who understand an English sense of humour.
  • conwolfwills
    conwolfwills Posts: 6 Member
    Wales here! back on a mission to reach new goals..happy to make new fitness buds :blush: add add add :wink: