Chocolate Fix

I don't believe in giving up what you love- just eating in moderation or more creative ways... so.

How do you get your chocolate fix without going overboard on calories (or even sugar, if you're careful with it)

Sometimes I will throw just a few semi-sweet chocolate chips into some air popped popcorn. I also really like sugar free fudgsicles (only 40 calories per pop!)


  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    The Scharffen Berger chocolate bars have been wonderful for me; I mean I NEVER eat a full bar; usually a half of a half of a bar. Their chocolate is so rich, that you only need a small portion of it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am not a huge chocolate fan, but caramel nut brownie Luna bars are good for post exercise. Very chocolatey, but high in protein.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    The Scharffen Berger chocolate bars have been wonderful for me; I mean I NEVER eat a full bar; usually a half of a half of a bar. Their chocolate is so rich, that you only need a small portion of it.

    Do you buy them online?
  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    You can buy them at Whole Foods. My husband just walked by and said he's seen even smaller ones at Peet's Coffee. They come in 3 ounce bars, and 1 ounce bars -- the 1oz bars are only 140 calories.
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    skinny cow desserts are good.
  • spaztastic13
    spaztastic13 Posts: 229
    The skinny cow candy- dreamy clusters and heavenly crisp bars sooooooooo good!!!
  • Weight Watcher's Giant chocolate cookies and cream ice cream bar.
    BIG bar - 130 calories
    Yum. :love:
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    You can even get tiny squares of Scharffen Berger. There are 12 in a 2.1 oz box. Just the perfect size for a little nibble.
    But if I really want chocolate, I have it on a Sunday. That's my hiking day. After spending 2+ hours sweating in the Georgia summer heat I have plenty of calories left for a treat.
  • hadley0910
    hadley0910 Posts: 91 Member
    I love Ghirardelli chocolate so I get the bags of it where each square is individually wrapped; there are several different types, I like the 60% cacao. I put the bag in the freezer so when I do get a square it takes a little longer to eat because it's frozen.
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    I love Ghirardelli chocolate so I get the bags of it where each square is individually wrapped; there are several different types, I like the 60% cacao. I put the bag in the freezer so when I do get a square it takes a little longer to eat because it's frozen.

  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    This is a great thread.

    FiberOne makes a brownie that is 90 cals. Coupon in Sunday's paper, so I will try those.

    I like taking a chocolate crunch rice cake and microwaving it with a marshmallow on top-- I have been using the jetpuffed jumbo marshmallow eggs. I think it is around 90 cals and really curbs a craving for sweet.

    SF mocha with almond milk and unsweetened chocolate almond milk with some splenda are other ways I get the chocolate fix. :)
  • Chemmy
    Chemmy Posts: 23
    I just feed my chocolate fix with a dark chocolate, 85-90% cocoa. Lidnt or Green and Black's. At that strength I don't eat much, 20g will easily subdue the need to want more.

    I do have a 100% cocoa and I have the smallest piece of that at any one time. A lot of people find it too bitter, I like to taste the cocoa myself.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i have dark chocolate too. I love thorntons dark french 70% chocolate and their dark chocolate with salted macadamia nuts at the moment.

    It takes much less dark chocolate to get my fix than milk chocolate
  • frg4bama
    frg4bama Posts: 78 Member
    Skinny Cow chocolate crisp candy bars! They are sooo good. I agree the Luna chocolate nut brownie is good and their new Chocolate Dipped Coconut is DELICIOUS! I also like peppermint patties sometimes.
  • Libby9
    Libby9 Posts: 45
    I buy snack packs of malteasers - 99 cals! Perfect for me when I need a chocolate fix!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I usually have a serving of sugar free Pecan Delights or sugar free mini Hersheys. Hits the spot and so delish!
  • suz74
    suz74 Posts: 77 Member
    it's skinny cow double choc mint ice creams...only 94 calories, so tasty!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Trader joes has these dark chocolate crisps - they are 12 for about 200 calories I think ? So I had one the other day and that was 18 calories -- not bad.

    In the beginning, I was making chocolate pudding with nonfat milk but so far now it hasn't been an issue - I find myself craving more baked goods (of which I prefer the chocolate or chocolate chip variety) than straight chocolate.
  • be_kris
    be_kris Posts: 47
    After eight Singles bars. Only 80 cals a bar! We have all sorts of Chocolate bars in "singles" packs, all under 100 cals.