Wonder_Whit Posts: 13 Member
Hi everyone! I am looking for some weekly meal prep ideas that I can prepare on Sundays and have ready for the week. What are some of your absolute favorites?

This week I did grilled chicken, sauteed green, yellow, orange, and red bell peppers, sauteed sweet onions, rainbow quinoa, black beans, and sweet corn & it wasn't too bad. Topped the chicken with a tiny bit of mango salsa.

I get pretty bored with standard grilled chicken recipes, so the more creative the better in my book! <3


  • ElenSouthgate
    ElenSouthgate Posts: 15 Member
    Do you have Pinterest? There are some great suggestions on there. very easy to have a variation of foods and still stick to your calorie allowance. also, you can always find a recipe you have made that you liked :)
  • Wonder_Whit
    Wonder_Whit Posts: 13 Member
    Pinterest is fantastic. I always forget about my account! I will definitely start utilizing it more! Thanks for the tip! <3
    TARGET65K Posts: 150 Member
    Mince 1 kilo beef with .25 kilo onions + 6 cloves garlic . Fry gently in large wok with a splash of olive oil, about 10 minutes. Add 2 kilo of cooked kidney beans + 1 kilo finely chopped tomatoes + 5 finely chopped small hot chillies
    + half level teaspoon salt, level teaspoon pepper, 2 heaped teaspoon paprika, small glass of a rich full bodied red wine and some fresh herbs. Simmer gently for one hour. Serve with or without Basmati rice. About 15 servings.
  • dklibert
    dklibert Posts: 1,196 Member
    Check out the Domestic Geek on YouTube she has lots of great meal prep videos.

    Also the Fit Couple Cooks has great meal prep videos too.

    I make a lot of chicken to use in salads, soup, BBQ pulled chicken, chicken salad, in wraps, tacos, on and on. I make a big pot of veggie soup, hummus and veggies, mason jar salads, cheese nut and dried fruit snacks, yogurt parfaits, baked oatmeal muffins. soupspiceeverythingnice.blogspot.com/2015/09/recycle-tip-fruit-cups-mason-jars.html
    TARGET65K Posts: 150 Member
    One serving 300 calories without rice.
  • tala2118
    tala2118 Posts: 8 Member
    Do you have a slow cooker? If so, these are my two favorite recipes for meals for the week. Both refrigerate and freeze well- I love them!

    Chickpea and vegetable coconut curry soup (makes about 6 servings): http://www.thekitchn.com/slow-cooker-recipe-curried-vegetable-and-chickpea-stew-67520

    Chicken stew - tons of different ways to flavor this one so it doesn't get old! :)
  • kharmon2013
    kharmon2013 Posts: 63 Member
    Chili! I put lots of vegetables, and lean beef or turkey. I also like to do a chicken vegetable soup all homemade so it's not too high in sodium. I don't like vegetables pre cooked so I chop everything up for the week and put them in bags in the fridge. Super easy to pull them out and stir fry or steam them...no cutting needed. I also do crock pot shredded chicken and put it in the fridges for the week. Easy to pull out and add different seasoning (taco, BBQ sauce, Italian, whatever).
  • AnarchistKitchen
    AnarchistKitchen Posts: 139 Member
    This is vegan so you could easily swap out some of the starch for protein. 5 full days of food for $23 and 2 menus for variety!