Loosing weight with no excersise ?



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    lkpducky wrote: »
    Weight loss is in the kitchen, and fitness is in the gym. :)

    I've seen this mentioned on several occasions. Does this mean that any caloric deficit from exercise should be ignored?

    Definitely not. I'm currently eating at goal weight maintenance/sedentary calories and creating a deficit with exercise. So, all i'm doing is not eating any/many exercise calories back. For me, it's easier to create a deficit with exercise than it is to eat less.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited January 2017
    I absolutely lost weight without exercising.

    And this time I am exercising, and am a size smaller at the same weight with a defined waist instead of a boxy shape.
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    The food/calories you intake plays the biggest role in losing weight, but some activity should be incorporated. Personally, I try to map out even just a small route and get in a walk every day. It has helped me tremendously in the past. :)
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    If you are not ready to exercise yet that is fine.

    Sometimes one needs to take baby steps.

    Get a good handle on your logging and food choices. You can eat anything so long as you stay within your calorie limit that you set in MFP. A digital food scale will help you. You may have to adjust your food choices to feel satisfied on less calories

    There has been talk of muscle loss upthread, if you are not exercising yet try to get .8-1g protein per lbs of your ideal body weight. This will not be as effective as exercising as well, but a good protein level will help with muscle retention.

    Cheers, h.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Exercise isn't requires for weight loss, only a calorie deficit.

    Weight loss is in the kitchen, and fitness is in the gym. :)

    You dont actually have to keep fit in the gym. i did a good job in my small living room.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i started exercising and logging together. for me it just came hand in hand
    i just did 20 mins every day. looking back i probably should have just walked as the pain was awful sometimes.
    you really dont have to exercise but it has so many benefits
    walking is a great way to start
    good luck
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I prefer The Oatmeal's method, tbh: do ridiculous amounts of exercise so I can eat whatever the hell I want when I'm actually hungry.
  • Missyjules1974
    Missyjules1974 Posts: 39 Member
    I know lots of people who have shifted lots of weight without much exercise but a lot of them end up with excess skin that's saggy and then they can't do anything about it.... so yes yo can do it but it would be better if you could incorporate both. Good luck! Xx

    I lost 50lbs with no intentional exercise and have no saggy skin, even almost 4 years into maintenance now (still no intentional exercise).

    OP, I had no problems losing the extra weight only focusing on my calorie intake :)

    That's really great but it is a risk and it is dependant upon how much you lose and how quickly etc. If you lose quickly, don't have very elastic skin with lots of collagens find yourself with really saggy skin the. Short of surgery or regaining in the weight it's irreversible. My friend lost loads of weight, is really healthy and runs marathons etc but she has so much excess skin now it makes her self conscious.

  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    i lost my first 25kgs with no exercise. then the following 15 with exercise. it helps when you get closer to your goal weight for sure.
  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    I didn't focus on exercise in the beggining of my journey to weight loss and i did still loose weight! But, I have been incorporating exercises and weight training recently as there is a lot of benefits to doing so! Plus, it makes me feel good once I finish a workout :)
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    I lost the bulk of my weight (about 40 lbs) with minimal exercise. I tended to lose faster when I was exercising buy it wasn't necessary for me to lose weight.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello lovely people.

    I have recently started my MFP jounrney and have a year and a half untill inget married.

    My question is ...is anyone doing well with food alone and no excersize ?

    I will be adding in excersise soon however i would like to shift a bit before so i dont lug this heavy body too soon .

    Personal experiences much apreciated


    I agree that high impact exercise is hard on one's joints when one is lugging a lot of extra weight around. However, there are plenty of low or no impact exercises one can start with - walking, swimming, etc. I lost 40# swimming at the Y in a hideous bathing suit. Sure, I was a little self conscious at first, but I got over it.

    Exercise has many additional benefits in addition to burning calories. Like other posters, when I get the happy hormones from exercise, I am less likely to turn to food. I feel and sleep better when I exercise, and this creates a positive cycle.

    I have knee issues and lower back issues, but I am able to work around these challenges and stay active.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,992 Member
    Thanks, I see what you're saying about estimating calorie burn being difficult. Especially if the exercise period was short and the exercise intensity was mild. I do count part of my exercise calories and err on the conservative side, but I exercise for longer periods. So far so good, I'm losing slowly but am losing. My deficit comes from both exercise and reduced food intake.

    And it's good that folks who have a harder time exercising (for example, with chronic pain or healing injuries) know that they won't be stuck because of it.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    edited January 2017
    My first 25 pounds were lost without exercise.

    A great thing to remember is most weight is lost by diet. For example I had a measured 20 pound loss while I was walking daily in hilly areas. Of the twenty pounds, the exercise calories were 14k, or 4 pounds!

    I'm not saying to not exercise, when you are ready add it in. Exercise does make you feel better.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight without exercise. Like you said - get rid of some of the weight before adding exercise. It'll help your joints a lot.

    Back in 2011, I went to see a Bariatric surgeon and that was one of the things he said. Also, I lost 140 pounds without doing exercise. All I really did was focus on increasing my steps. I increased them at the time from about 500 up to about 2000-3000 steps/day.
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    Yes you can lose weight without exercising, but it might not be as quick. Maybe try starting off with some walking, for example if you need to get something from the shop, walk there rather than drive etc. Or you could do some beginners home workouts from YouTube. Add it in gradually and you'll be surprised at how quickly your fitness levels increase! :smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    lkpducky wrote: »
    Weight loss is in the kitchen, and fitness is in the gym. :)

    I've seen this mentioned on several occasions. Does this mean that any caloric deficit from exercise should be ignored?

    No, it means you can do all of the exercise you want, but if you're calories aren't in order it doesn't matter. I'm maintaining right now...I train quite a bit...I'm maintaining because I'm eating to maintenance (the kitchen). If I wanted to lose weight, I wouldn't change up my training...I'd just eat a bit less.

    It's much easier to consistently create a weight loss deficit with diet than it is exercise.
  • BigBottomBabeMFP
    BigBottomBabeMFP Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all for your views and words of encouragement. Im blown away by the support on this forum.

    I will certainly look to incorporate excersise at some point.

    I while ago i started running and it was fantastic but i do recall some pain issues on my coccyx (sorry if thats the incorrect spelling) as I have a rather large back side. Not to mention the boob pain BUT i apreciate that i need to start somewhere so will look to start low impact.

    To add an additional point to my question. I have been easing into eating as a vegan for some time now and have fully fledged this year. Im wondering if anyone has still experienced good weight loss eating this way ? My reasons to be vegan is ethicle and not for weight loss but just wondered if it was more difficult. (I heard you need to eat more calories) . Im currently earing around 1600 calories a day.

    Thanks all again.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    @BigBottomBabeMFP being a vegan, or having any way of eating, still means one has to be on a deficit to lose weight. A vegan doesn't have to eat more calories, but you should make sure you are getting enough protein, this can be a problem for some vegans. Treat your MFP protein goal as a minimum and try to aim for .6-.8g per lbs of your ideal body weight.

    Cheers, h.
  • BigBottomBabeMFP
    BigBottomBabeMFP Posts: 10 Member
    @BigBottomBabeMFP being a vegan, or having any way of eating, still means one has to be on a deficit to lose weight. A vegan doesn't have to eat more calories, but you should make sure you are getting enough protein, this can be a problem for some vegans. Treat your MFP protein goal as a minimum and try to aim for .6-.8g per lbs of your ideal body weight.

    Cheers, h.

    Thank you middlehaitch . I will certainly do that