Looking for friends with similar stats - 5'4 and approx 195 lbs



  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 5'3 and started at 181. I'm now 151 and my goal is 120-135.
  • AliceCamisa
    AliceCamisa Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2016
    You can add me im 5'4.5' and ATM im 189lb but i started off at 205lbs my goal is 150lbs to start with but ill have a look at myself once im there.
  • ravengirl2014
    ravengirl2014 Posts: 100 Member
    We could be twinsies!
  • pamwix
    pamwix Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I am pam. I finally made it below the 200 lb. mark. I look forward to supporting you in our quest to become healthier people. I look at this as a lifestyle change, not a monthly fad. Good luck to all of you.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Feel free to add me y'all. 5'5 and 197.6 as of this morning. Goal is 150, but most likely will try to get to 145 and maintain between 145 - 150
  • stephdayberry
    stephdayberry Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'3'', 185lbs. It will be hard work but I would like to be below 140lbs. I keep thinking of me in that bathing suit in the summer and will not be pleased if I'm like this. Hope this community is active! I'm going to need it
  • Loug1983
    Loug1983 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 5'4" and currently 185lbs, down from 215lbs. I haven't settled on a goal yet but want to lose at least another 30 to get to where I was at my smallest adult weight. I'll see how I feel when I get there!

    Anyone feel free to add me
  • Buggy2011
    Buggy2011 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey all, I'm 5'2" (when I stand up tall). I'm at my heaviest atm 214lbs. :-( I have varried between 175-200 in the last year. I'll knock off 10-20 lbs then slack on mfp and gain that plus 5 back. I need friends to help motivate me but all the folks I know in real life are way ahead of me in weightloss and kinda snooty about it. Makes me self conscious. I'd like to become friends w/ some of ya'll as well as hold one another accountable.

    Add/PM me if you are interested.
  • cradstrom
    cradstrom Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone. I'm 5'5 and 183lbs, would like to lose 55lbs. It would be great to have some friends and motivation :)
  • chiefod
    chiefod Posts: 19 Member
    Im Terri, I'm 5'4; 181- was 200. Headed for 150 by March, turning 55. Love to join your board!
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and 191lbs. I'm working my way toward 140-150lbs. Maybe lower, but probably around there.

    I've been as low as 167lbs when trying to lose weight a few years ago but unfortunately didn't stay there long due to injury and surgery.

    My highest weight ever was 223lbs in mid November just before I gave birth to my daughter who is now 7 weeks old. I've just yesterday been released for exercise from my OB.

    My plan is a rather high calorie diet (I'm nursing my daughter) combined with exercise working my way up to 5 days a week with cardio and strength training.
  • princeza15
    princeza15 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey guys! I'm 5'5" and 203lbs....back on MFP after a couple years of dealing with life... you know, getting married, figuring out career goals etc...got distracted and now I'm ready to focus on my health again.

    Current goal weight is 165. Going to Mexico for the first time with my husband mid-March and hoping I can get closer to my GW -- realistically I think 180 by mid-March is a good place to start? A 23lb loss? What do you all think?

    Adding you all! :smile:
  • jbirdy76
    jbirdy76 Posts: 161 Member
    I love reading these introductions and seeing so many with losses already. I am just under 5'4 and have not dared the scale yet. I have been here on and off since 2013. I need the support I am a momma, work and go to school. And I just turned 40. My health is my most valuable asset and I am ready to try and claim it! I am assuming I am right at 200 pounds which I have never been before. I was down to about 175 this summer but a extremely stressful fall and school schedule kicked my bootie. I am going to add some of you hopefully we can help each other stick to this!
  • Morganbennett1
    Morganbennett1 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey everyone. I posted on here back in October when I first started with MFP.
    SW: 208
    CW: 184
    GW: 140

    Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for motivating friends!
  • fitdiva1day
    fitdiva1day Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 5'4, 177 lbs and 44 yrs old..my highest weight ever was 228 in my late 20's. I got down to about 170. Some yrs later In my mid 30's I gained back to 201. I went on a low cal/low fat diet with moderate exercise and got down to the low 150's....with all that said I am now at 177. I have a bad back so I don't do as much excercise as I'd like. My goal weight is 135. I too am looking for friends with your same stats and interest. Anyone please feel free to add me as well.
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    edited January 2017
    Add me. 5'4 started at 190, have been down to 140 but am 157 now...working to get back to 140.
  • jenniator
    jenniator Posts: 475 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I'm 5'4 and I'm 24 years old. I started originally at my heaviest which was 240 lbs. Right now I'm at 192 pounds with a lot of up and downs in the past. But now I'm back on track and I have my motivation back. I would love to eventually get down to 130-150 pounds. :D Feel free to add me as well if you like!
  • kerstenk141
    kerstenk141 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm just shy of 5'5" and my starting weight was 172 back in June. I've since lost 50lbs reaching my goal weight of 122lbs, but I still login to MFP everyday and love making new friends!
  • teeps2019
    teeps2019 Posts: 3 Member
    5 4 and 199 pounds. Have lost 20 pounds so far on ketogenic diet. Am a massive yo yo dieter so really want to get to target and stay there!!
  • kegy97
    kegy97 Posts: 5 Member
    I have similar goals and am 5'5". Please add me, I need accountability to motivate me!