Hello! Anyone else GOING to lose 100+ lbs?

postchrysalis Posts: 88 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hey, all! My name is Meg, I'm 25, and as of today, am looking to lose 153 lbs. I joined MFP at the beginning of the month, but I started this journey of mine in November (22 lbs down!).

I'm looking for positive friends who have either lost a lot of weight or have a lot of weight to lose still (or both!), are consistently active here on MFP, and are seeking an accountabuddy to encourage and be encouraged by.

Feel free to add me if anything I wrote resonated with you! :) I'm looking forward to meeting like-minded individuals who are in the process of changing their lives!

P.S. - I'm 5'8.5", if that matters to anyone. My food diary is also open to friends.


  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    Hey, all! My name is Meg, I'm 25, and as of today, am looking to lose 153 lbs. I joined MFP at the beginning of the month, but I started this journey of mine in November (22 lbs down!).

    I'm looking for positive friends who have either lost a lot of weight or have a lot of weight to lose still (or both!), are consistently active here on MFP, and are seeking an accountabuddy to encourage and be encouraged by.

    Feel free to add me if anything I wrote resonated with you! :) I'm looking forward to meeting like-minded individuals who are in the process of changing their lives for the better!

    i have about the same to lose..lets motivate and support each other
  • marieannoxley
    marieannoxley Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Meg! I have about 125 lbs to lose. We've got this!
  • poguspointfarm
    poguspointfarm Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have over 100 to lose as well. We can do it! :)
  • angelfish8993
    angelfish8993 Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2017
    You all sound amazing!! I need supporters too. My total weight loss goal is 150-170 lbs. starting weight was 292, and I'm down 28 so far
  • magen830
    magen830 Posts: 33 Member
    You all sound great to have as friends I have 100lbs to lose my starting weight was 270 and I have lost 5 since the beginning of this month. I hope to have some of you as friends.
  • sdmrtn86
    sdmrtn86 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey Meg! I'm Steve and am on a journey to lose over 200 pounds, myself. Would love to get to know you and help you on your journey!
  • duebedm
    duebedm Posts: 127 Member
    Joining the conversation late, but also trying to lose 100+. Need all the help I can get!
  • cgrossnickle
    cgrossnickle Posts: 5 Member
    I just started last week here. I plan to lose at least 175 lbs. I'm over 350 now. Planning on bariatric surgery in January 2018, but would love to drop down to the 200s before that. Here we go, on the ride of our lives. ...
  • mrsrainbow77
    mrsrainbow77 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I joined MFP at 237.5lb in November 2016 and I am currently at 161lbs, I would love to help motivate you to your goal. I have 14lbs left to go to mine.
  • linreadsy
    linreadsy Posts: 16 Member
    I started 50 days ago with about 125 to lose. I'm down 25...only 100 to go! Would love some friends in the same boat.
  • AlexShearer01
    AlexShearer01 Posts: 1 Member
    I started 3 months ago with 130 to lose as of today i have lost 85 pounds and continue to work hard diet!! Keep with it and be patient you all got this!
  • Caloriesloser
    Caloriesloser Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone...I 've started my journey too jus a couple of days back...my goal is to be from obese to healthy I need to lose more than 100pounds..I got motivated by watching utube success stories.. I've cut my calories but can't workout much..jus 15 mins..and all at home I won't be able to go to any gym.
  • carmy7850
    carmy7850 Posts: 24 Member
    Count me in our very own cheering section! Lost 60 but still got 100 to disappear.
  • aprilaries
    aprilaries Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone...I am Ramona and I have a 100 pounds to lose also. The sad thing is I had the gastric bypass and lost 100 pounds only to gain most of it back. I am focused now and determined to fight the fat.
  • nykole56
    nykole56 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I'm Nichole and I have over 100 to lose as well. I started with a 7 day detox challenge and lost 7.2 lbs in the first 7 days. It was very motivating and life changing. I don't feel tired all the time and I walk with a purpose now. Its hard to explain but it was a great start to this journey of mine. I have an open diary and would love friends to talk to, encourage and motivate.
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi! I'll add you! I've lost a little over 80 so far and still have a lot to go.