Getting healthy hoping to be able to be cute again :)

My motivation to begin my weightloss journey began with a trip to the mall with my grandma she is a slim size 6 she was able to purchase nice jeans, cute tops and i am a size 24 couldnt find anything that was flattering on me. I end up wearing pj pants mens tshirts and yoga pants. That is my entire wardrobe. I began to gain weight when i got pregnant with my first son. Before that i had a 26 bmi worked out regularly never drank sodas...and i started to pack on the pounds i am a very large build so at my skinniest i weighed 163 and wore a size 8. After my first pregnancy i weighed 278 i lost a little bit of weight and went down to 245 and 2 years later i got pregnant again and with that pregnancy the most i weighed was 303 i lost a little but never got to less than 275 18 months later i got pregnant with my youngest child and the largest i was there was 320 i was mortified at those numbers on the scale. My daughter is now 3 months old and i am so done being over weight i want to be able to take my children to the park and have fun. I am tired of being fatigued from my body fat. I used to drink 3-4-5 32 ounce sodas a day and i have completely cut those out and replaced them with water. I refuse to eat fast food and i dont let myself get really hungry i snack on cheese sticks apples or cuties regularly because i dont want to starve myself and binge eat. It has only been a week but i can tell a difference in my stomach and my love handles and that keeps me going. My first goal is to fit into a pair of under armour sweatpants that i purchased after my son was born not realizing how much bigger i had gotten i have held onto them thinking someday they may fit. Well now i am ready to make it happen!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You've come to the right place! Good luck!
  • Khloris
    Khloris Posts: 117 Member
    I also started to put on weight during my first pregnancy and just never got back from that. Then I got pregnant again and just added to it. Now it has been 4 YEARS and I have tried many times to lose the weight, but I have never really tried with MFP. I am hoping this time is the last time. Good luck!
  • pauliet7
    pauliet7 Posts: 31 Member
    Inspiring stuff. It will be worth it. Many in here will help push you and keep you motivated. Feel free to add. Best wishes. P
  • lynnelonh
    lynnelonh Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, good luck all with your journeys!! I'm just starting back on mfp again today for the first time in a while. Please feel free to add :)
  • Savagedistraction
    Savagedistraction Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome and good luck. I'm kind of a blunt *kitten* but I mean well. Are you exercising?
  • phoenix74162
    phoenix74162 Posts: 130 Member
    You can do it. There are a lot of great people here. As a friend of mine says. No one fights alone! We got you anytime.
  • Shivers29
    Shivers29 Posts: 6 Member
    A lot of choosing to make the changes are in our heads I think. Like you just have the day where you say 'that's it, no more'.
    Good luck on your journey, you can do it. By this time next year you can be in the cute jeans and tops.

    I am currently 211lbs and after years of having my weight yoyo all over the place I am just ready to be healthy. Goal weight 140lbs, detoxing this week, cutting out snacking, reducing carbs but not starving myself. Going to try and walk 5km every day.
  • basky56
    basky56 Posts: 43 Member
    I am going to be doing the same thing. I need to lose about 40lbs to feel good about my weight. We can do this.