I was thin once.....

About 8 years ago or so....I've had such a struggle trying to lose weight....and it just happens to add on so easy....why is food so delicious


  • Kali_818
    Kali_818 Posts: 267 Member
    Well I'm trying to get back on track and it's been very hard I got very busy after I had lost 20 pounds so now I've taken some time out of my schedule to try to get myself back on track. so today I will join a gym and I will be active for the first time in about 4 months, I hope it becomes a habit and I can hopefully drop around 80 pounds. it's very hard to look at pictures from 8 years ago and think where I went wrong, so I'm looking for new friends who are active who are on same boat who wish to morally support each other and we can do it together. thank you for this moment of your time, hope you had a great weekend and God bless.
  • mdg2188
    mdg2188 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I just joined on here a couple of days ago, but I started my weight loss journey a week ago. I've always been a thick girl but after I had my daughter things got out of control. I recently decided to get serious with my weight loss when someone asked me was I pregnant! How embarrassing! That really motivated me sometimes you have to hear it from someone else in order to really get that boost. I'm ready for this journey that I'm on I lost 3lbs in a week and I'm happy with that progress slowly but surely I'm ready to reach my goal!
  • Kali_818
    Kali_818 Posts: 267 Member
    3 lbs that's very impressive... I hope you reach your goal ☺ just keep @ it and you'll be there
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    been thin a few times ....lol It's easy to let things get out of control