Looking for support and motivation buddies!

Hi!! I'm looking for some more My Fitness Pal buddies to add to help keep each other healthy motivated. I haven't really tried branching out to the community much on here yet, but the little bit that I have has been very effective ( seeing all the updates on my home of people reaching calorie goals and such =] ). Feel free to add me or send a message if you're interested. Ideally here's what I'm looking for, but all friends are welcome:
-Active on MFP, log in regularly, keep a food diary I can look at for inspiration.
-I'm a university student so if you are too we can share tips and vent about similar issues.
-Right now I'm looking to lose at least 20 pounds, with my ultimate loss goal being around 30-40 ( I'll see what's healthy and realistic when I get there)
-Striving to be active! ( Hot yoga, c25k, and p90x on and off are my current exercise endeavours)

I think that's all. Thanks for your time and looking forward to meeting you =]


  • cardozojoann
    cardozojoann Posts: 85 Member
    Hello. I just invited you as a friend. I'm also looking for weight loss buddies to keep me motivated. Im looking to lose 55lbs in a year. I started working out and eating healthier since last Monday:bigsmile: Hope we can keep each other motivated