Determined to Lose!

I had lost 42 lbs last year and have gained a little back BUT I'm refocused and would like to lose 60-75 lbs by the beginning of next year! I'm 5'7 my calorie goal is around 1600/day. I've been trying to increase my "steps" each day. I'm looking for women friends who have similar goals so we can share food ideas, exercise, and just simply support each other in the ups and downs! :)


  • angkel03
    angkel03 Posts: 2 Member
    First of congrats on your pervious achievements! This is the year I am going to follow through with my weight loss goals!
  • Marieyeyeam
    Marieyeyeam Posts: 103 Member
    Totally gonna be a loser this year
  • carmel199
    carmel199 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm right there with you. I have refocused and plan on pushing myself this year. Feel free to add me.
  • xxxglaxxx
    xxxglaxxx Posts: 327 Member
    i'm on the same boat as you.

    new year new start. i'm determined to reach my goal this year :)

    feel free to add me so we can support and motivate each other