Carry forward calories?



  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    You can actually create a custom food for your diary, and call it "rollover from yesterday" or whatever. Give the food a caloric value of -1. Then, if you have 125 unused calories from yesterday, enter them today as 125 servings and your diary will add them to your daily calorie allotment for today. Hope this helps.

    Best diary-related tip I've read in these forums in a really long time. Thanks for the info! :)
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Sorry @RAinWA I missed seeing that you had already posted this tweak.

    Yeah but you did a better explanation so you get the gold star! :)
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    You can actually create a custom food for your diary, and call it "rollover from yesterday" or whatever. Give the food a caloric value of -1. Then, if you have 125 unused calories from yesterday, enter them today as 125 servings and your diary will add them to your daily calorie allotment for today. Hope this helps.

    Wait.. so... Like.. you have an allotment of 1400.. you eat 1200.. and the next day you add 200 for a 1600 count? OK.. something just doesnt sound right about that. Im sure there has to be a limit to how far you can roll over. What if all week the person is BLAH about food. Then Saturday they want to binge. Wouldnt that HARM the body?
  • BiomedDent
    BiomedDent Posts: 107 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Sorry @RAinWA I missed seeing that you had already posted this tweak.

    Does it only work on the full site? Just tried to "make a food" in the app but can't put minus calories :(
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    BiomedDent wrote: »
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    You can actually create a custom food for your diary, and call it "rollover from yesterday" or whatever. Give the food a caloric value of -1. Then, if you have 125 unused calories from yesterday, enter them as 125 servings and your diary will add them to your daily calorie allotment for today. Hope this helps.

    I was wondering how someone above did that! Thanks

    That is crazy genius. I don't necessarily use rollover calories, but that is an excellent way to account for them if I end up with a crazy food weekend on my hands. I am generally under calories by just a hair (because I am paranoid). I would like to eat them, it just doesn't always work out that way. This is a great way to make sure they get eaten!
  • BiomedDent
    BiomedDent Posts: 107 Member
    Reaverie wrote: »
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    You can actually create a custom food for your diary, and call it "rollover from yesterday" or whatever. Give the food a caloric value of -1. Then, if you have 125 unused calories from yesterday, enter them today as 125 servings and your diary will add them to your daily calorie allotment for today. Hope this helps.

    Wait.. so... Like.. you have an allotment of 1400.. you eat 1200.. and the next day you add 200 for a 1600 count? OK.. something just doesnt sound right about that. Im sure there has to be a limit to how far you can roll over. What if all week the person is BLAH about food. Then Saturday they want to binge. Wouldnt that HARM the body?

    Temporarily yes, the scale would go up when you weigh on a Sunday, but over time no. You'd still lose weight. It's calorie input vs output over time, not just every single day
  • BiomedDent
    BiomedDent Posts: 107 Member
    BiomedDent wrote: »
    Reaverie wrote: »
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    You can actually create a custom food for your diary, and call it "rollover from yesterday" or whatever. Give the food a caloric value of -1. Then, if you have 125 unused calories from yesterday, enter them today as 125 servings and your diary will add them to your daily calorie allotment for today. Hope this helps.

    Wait.. so... Like.. you have an allotment of 1400.. you eat 1200.. and the next day you add 200 for a 1600 count? OK.. something just doesnt sound right about that. Im sure there has to be a limit to how far you can roll over. What if all week the person is BLAH about food. Then Saturday they want to binge. Wouldnt that HARM the body?

    Temporarily yes, the scale would go up when you weigh on a Sunday, but over time no. You'd still lose weight. It's calorie input vs output over time, not just every single day

    Obviously it's not good mentally to ever binge nor is it good to restrict food to enable binging. So the harm it would do is more mental than physical.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Reaverie wrote: »
    BiomedDent wrote: »
    Yeah I used to do that when I did weight watchers-saving points etc. Definitely works well for weekends!

    Reaverie wrote: »
    LOL! Roll over dieting.. I Love it! Dont think it works that way though. I just ignore them. I have never heard of it before. I always heard '1200 calorie diet' or '1600 calorie diet' etc etc and then if you worked out or not, there was no "bonus" calories added. 1200 was 1200..1600 was 1600. Not 1200 plus you just earned 100 calories from your walk! nonsense. So I consume the calories I say I am going to and "ignore" the calories I "earned".. How do I lose weight if I re-eat my calories! That makes NO sense at all!

    I get the sense you don't understand MFP/Diets/Deficits much. Be careful you're not eating too little based on what you just said above.

    Yeah, I just read through the replies to my confusion and still dont understand it. But then, I am a bit tired atm and I cant focus well when tired. Im sure I wont. Im just beginning this journey so Im not doing much in the way of exercise except walking a mile or two a day. I will be adding pilates in soon.

    Because MFP gives you a calorie target based on zero is uncounted for activity. If you're already have a pretty low calorie intake and then do a bunch of exercise on top of it, one can create a deficit that too large from a health standpoint.

    My MFP calorie target to lose 1 Lb per week (with no exercise) is 1900 calories. During cycling season I can regularly burn around 1,000 - 1,500 calories during a training ride...that would leave me with a whopping 400 - 900 calories worth of energy to support my mere existence (which requires about 1800 calories) and general activity. Common sense would dictate that if my activity level doesn't account for exercise, it should be accounted for somewhere...with MFP that somewhere is on the back end of the equation...TDEE calculators include it in your activity level.
  • CynCyn523
    CynCyn523 Posts: 4 Member
    Reaverie wrote: »
    LOL! Roll over dieting.. I Love it! Dont think it works that way though. I just ignore them. I have never heard of it before. I always heard '1200 calorie diet' or '1600 calorie diet' etc etc and then if you worked out or not, there was no "bonus" calories added. 1200 was 1200..1600 was 1600. Not 1200 plus you just earned 100 calories from your walk! nonsense. So I consume the calories I say I am going to and "ignore" the calories I "earned".. How do I lose weight if I re-eat my calories! That makes NO sense at all!

    You can actually...if you look more at the calories you should be consuming on a weekly basis according to a 1200 or 1600 calorie a day plan, you don't necessarily have to be strictly eating that amount of calories every day. You can "borrow" or "rollover" calories to another day, ESP if you plan to eat out for a special occasion or what-have-you then you can save calories for that. As long as you're staying within the calorie restriction you set for yourself for the week it's all the end up consuming the same amount. There are actually diet plans based on this concept, I think it's called calorie cycling where you have one low calorie day (say 1000-1200 calories) followed by a higher calorie day (say 2500-1800). It's meant to keep things sustainable and not so mundane with the same restriction every day.
  • BiomedDent
    BiomedDent Posts: 107 Member
    fatty523 wrote: »
    Reaverie wrote: »
    LOL! Roll over dieting.. I Love it! Dont think it works that way though. I just ignore them. I have never heard of it before. I always heard '1200 calorie diet' or '1600 calorie diet' etc etc and then if you worked out or not, there was no "bonus" calories added. 1200 was 1200..1600 was 1600. Not 1200 plus you just earned 100 calories from your walk! nonsense. So I consume the calories I say I am going to and "ignore" the calories I "earned".. How do I lose weight if I re-eat my calories! That makes NO sense at all!

    You can actually...if you look more at the calories you should be consuming on a weekly basis according to a 1200 or 1600 calorie a day plan, you don't necessarily have to be strictly eating that amount of calories every day. You can "borrow" or "rollover" calories to another day, ESP if you plan to eat out for a special occasion or what-have-you then you can save calories for that. As long as you're staying within the calorie restriction you set for yourself for the week it's all the end up consuming the same amount. There are actually diet plans based on this concept, I think it's called calorie cycling where you have one low calorie day (say 1000-1200 calories) followed by a higher calorie day (say 2500-1800). It's meant to keep things sustainable and not so mundane with the same restriction every day.

    Yep! Weight watchers do it to where you save points for treats :-)
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I guess it depends what you are asking.

    MFP will not let you take a deficit from one day and apply it to the next. So you can't "move" 500 calories that you didn't use Monday and have them as part of your allowance Tuesday. Kinda too bad.

    But if you look at your calories on a weekly basis, and focus less on the daily reports, this works very well. I go under and over on the day view but try to look at where I am for the week.

    I stand corrected and you folks using the negative trick to move calories around are brilliant.

    Glad I posted what I did to get a useful tip. Thanks.
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Reaverie wrote: »
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    You can actually create a custom food for your diary, and call it "rollover from yesterday" or whatever. Give the food a caloric value of -1. Then, if you have 125 unused calories from yesterday, enter them today as 125 servings and your diary will add them to your daily calorie allotment for today. Hope this helps.

    Wait.. so... Like.. you have an allotment of 1400.. you eat 1200.. and the next day you add 200 for a 1600 count? OK.. something just doesnt sound right about that. Im sure there has to be a limit to how far you can roll over. What if all week the person is BLAH about food. Then Saturday they want to binge. Wouldnt that HARM the body?

    Surely intermittent fasting is based around a modified version of this and there is evidence to show that it may be actually beneficial.
  • mlsh1969
    mlsh1969 Posts: 138 Member
    BiomedDent wrote: »
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Sorry @RAinWA I missed seeing that you had already posted this tweak.

    Does it only work on the full site? Just tried to "make a food" in the app but can't put minus calories :(

    Exactly, was wondering the same thing?
  • dark_sparkles37019
    dark_sparkles37019 Posts: 114 Member
    I do it everyday but I log it under the previous day. I work second shift so my last meal isn't until after 12:01 am the next dayday but I log it on the previous day. I'm losing just fine.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    mlsh1969 wrote: »
    BiomedDent wrote: »
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    Sorry @RAinWA I missed seeing that you had already posted this tweak.

    Does it only work on the full site? Just tried to "make a food" in the app but can't put minus calories :(

    Exactly, was wondering the same thing?

    I tried to create the entry in the app and couldn't but if you create it on the website it should be in your recent foods. Or you can search the database - for some reason a lot of people have added variations of this to the database (I saved mine as one of my foods and didn't share it).