P90X anyone?

Doing the original P90X again with insanity hybrid. Looking for others to help motivate me through those pesky but much needed cardio workouts :P


  • MsMollyKing
    MsMollyKing Posts: 83 Member
    I'm on week 2 of P90X and using core de force for my cardio days. :) How are you liking being back into it again?
  • showerbeer182
    showerbeer182 Posts: 798 Member
    Second week of second round of p90x3....wooohooo!!
  • plamb1991
    plamb1991 Posts: 7 Member
    @msmolly I'm unfamiliar with core de force, what's it all about? But I've always loved p90x. Took about 4 weeks off for the holidays but getting back into it hard.
    @showerbeer first off awesome name second, how are you liking p90x3? I had thought about getting p90x2 but decided doing this insanity hybrid for now.