need help weighloss dummy lol

Ok so I need to loose weight not fast just need to loose weight I had a baby a yr ago and would like to get pregnant in a yr from now but dont want to be a fat pregnant lady and be unhealthy my previous pregnancy I only gained 20lbs which didnt go down after I had her I want to loose 20lbs my plan is to drink two juices a day blended not on a juicer I want the fiber and eat small snacks and a healthy dinner. Is this something that will work has anyone tried it


  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    What works is taking in less calories than you use up... how you achieve that is up to you. (Although personally I wouldn't want to do juices as I need to chew food in order to feel like I've had a meal! :) )

    Set up your profile with your correct stats and activity level, choose a weight loss goal of 0.5lbs per week (since you have so little to lose), and eat the number of calories MFP tells you to. You don't need to cut out any foods, but some people find that it helps them to stay in better control of their intake. Try things out to see what works best for you and doesn't leave you feeling hungry, and then keep doing it until you get to your goal! :)

    Some of these posts might be helpful to you, and there are other stickied posts around the site that are very useful:

    Best of luck! :)
  • Kayera302
    Kayera302 Posts: 6 Member
    I do 5 small snack meals. I purchased several 1/2 cup containers so not to over eat. Here's a sample. Cottage cheese, cheese stick, tuna fish with mayo, 1/8 cup cashews, 1/2 a protein bar, and cheeseburger no bun with green beans..of course 2 small cookies cuz I love them! High protein as much as possible.
  • Kayera302
    Kayera302 Posts: 6 Member
    All that only adds up to about 1000 calories a day