Looking for encouragement friends on here!e

Hi! I'm amanda, i'm 20 years old and one year ago i weighed 141lbs. I got into a relationship, and gained 30+lbs. 5 days ago i weighed myself and i was 183, after doing a 2 day detox, cutting all fast food out, and only eating healthy, this 5 days i have lost 6.8lbs. i'm just looking for friends to add on here that we can watch each other's progress and encourage one another!!


  • laurakay8052
    laurakay8052 Posts: 5 Member
    It's always hard when you first start changing the way you eat ! But after a few weeks it just seems normal
  • jaclyn71984
    jaclyn71984 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Amanda, similar situations! I gained about 40lbs and was 206 at my heaviest. I've lost 16 on my own and am looking to lose a lot more. My goal is to be back at 160 for my wedding later this year. I'd love to be friends on here and have someone to do this with :)