Skinny fat or just regular fat?

I'm 5'4 128lbs
I've been using mfp for a month now and have lost 4lbs I always make sure to meet my calorie goal or get close to it and I always meet my protein goal.
After spending time lurking on I've come to the conclusion that I may be skinny fat. The site said basically the only way to get rid of skinny fat is to start lifting. Is this true? I've included a photo so you can get a visual as to what I'm dealing with here. 7g6rell3flaa.jpg


  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    I'm the same height, I'd recommend lifting yes (or a decent body weight routine of some form) but maybe keep in a little deficit too. That's how I tightened up my midsection and arms nearer the end like you are xx
  • Samithesizzler
    Samithesizzler Posts: 13 Member
    So when I start a weight lifting regime should I still eat in a calorie deficit? Also, how do I learn proper form and how to use the machines without hiring a personal trainer because that's not realistic for me financially right now.
  • dark_sparkles37019
    dark_sparkles37019 Posts: 114 Member
    You will need to eat at maintenance or extra calories in the form of protein to build muscle.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    It doesn't really matter how you would define or describe yourself, or what others think. What you would benefit from is lifting weights whether in a slight deficit or at maintenance.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Like others have said, don't strength train for aesthetics, strength train for the long term health benefits. And since you are at a weight you are good with, eat at maintenance. Also don't panic when you get a spike in weight, undertaking a strength program can cause muscles to retain water. There are TONS of information on the internet to look up form & programs to follow. Stick with a basic full body program. If you want to do things at home YAYOG & convict conditioning are decent resources too.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    So when I start a weight lifting regime should I still eat in a calorie deficit? Also, how do I learn proper form and how to use the machines without hiring a personal trainer because that's not realistic for me financially right now.

    I would still be in a deficit and eat adequate protein. To learn form, there are a few ways. You can go onto youtube and look at videos from people like Scott Hermann, pick up a copy of Starting Strength by Mark Riptoe (world renowned strength coach) or you go the strength guide in the link below; Greg Nuckols has a bunch on articles on how to do the core lifts.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You're at a healthy weight for your height but you would really benefit from some strength training/lifting - it really does work wonders for shaping the body (plus it helps preserve muscle which is important as we get older) :smile:
  • megmo1985
    megmo1985 Posts: 127 Member
    Please be careful if you start lifting if you only had a baby 3 months ago, especially if you had a c-section. There are some things you might need to start a little slower with or with less weight. They usually say 6-8 weeks before you start a workout routine and even then just listen to your body. Things are going to feel a little different and you will need to get used to it. You look great and I think you will love lifting. Just listen to your body and start slow. Best of luck mama!
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    It doesn't really matter how you would define or describe yourself, or what others think. What you would benefit from is lifting weights whether in a slight deficit or at maintenance.

    Absolutely agree. Strength training should be a regular workout for most people. It's just good stuff.