Single mom with emotional eating

I'm trying to find ways to help my emotional eating. I'm a single mom of a 13 and 3 year old and the 3 year old is with me all the time. With work and home life I am wore out. Not to mention financial issues and all the other single mom issues like house and car repairs. Eating calms me when anxiety hits. At the moment I try to clean when I feel a build up. What does everyone else do? I welcome new friends to help with encouragement.


  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    Yes, I struggle with the same thing. I'm a stay at home mom with three under four and I'm pregnant. Between being exhausted from my baby not sleeping well and feeling like I don't ever get to take a break when I need one, eating becomes my "break" and shoving something into my mouth has become what I associate with "recharging." Sugar gives me energy; there have been many afternoons where I look around and feel like I can't keep going and then I start eating some candy and I've got the energy to continue ( as long as I keep popping candy over the next few hours). I didn't used to be this way!

    I don't really have any advice. I know I've got to retrain myself. This has been a habit I've developed since having babies and I guess I'm just going to have to train myself out of it. :/ When I'm in that weak and exhausted place and all I want is food (even though I don't need it), it doesn't seem to be helping to have a "mantra." I guess I have hijacked your post but I would appreciate others advice as well.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I used to eat emotionally but now I mostly self-soothe with exercise. I realize that with a 13 year old and a three year old you are less free to exercise than I am. Do you have a wagon (or a sled if there is snow where you are) so the three of you can go for a walk and you can pull the three year old when he/she gets tired?

    I've found a regular exercise program does wonders for my stress level. I like your creative approach of cleaning :)

    Also, the more sugar I eat the more I want so I have to work hard to keep my protein up and carbs in balance.
  • robinsoneden5045
    robinsoneden5045 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow how do you all keep it together!! I have one 16month old daughter and struggle to find the time to do anything. I spend my life cleaning which I do enjoy sometimes but can get ontop of you. Does your 3 year old go to childcare or still have naps during the day? That's the only time I have in the day when my daughter has a 2 hour nap that's when I clean and try to do any exercise I can. Could you ask your 13year old to help a little with cleaning or looking after the younger one? Xx
  • tractorchck
    tractorchck Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks the 13 year old helps a lot. I guess I should add we also live on a small farm so there's that haha. These days my stress is money to repair the house and car on top of my 3 year old never stops talking LOL. I've gotten better but still have issues when things start piling up on me
  • Lucasb11
    Lucasb11 Posts: 4 Member
    I recently heard on the radio a way to help do away with emotional eating is by distracting yourself by playing a game on your phone. They said that it takes about 10 min for the feeling to pass and keeping your mind engaged in another activity helps that time pass. Can't say it is true, just heard it and have not tried it.
  • tinhproweb365
    tinhproweb365 Posts: 4 Member
    In the days that I first became a single mom I discovered that I stopped cooking. At first it was due to dealing with a newborn infant and toddler, and just not having enough hands and time to make some family meals. I follow a single mom cooking from healthy dinner website of Mary, it's made my life easy! Here is her's blog
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    edited December 2017
    This is me!!! Finances, weight, tired, guilt, house work, cooking, work 30 hrs a week, exhausted, anxious, irritated, angry at the world and i just couldnt be bothered! Except my girls are 13 and 16. But one day i just decided to get off my *kitten*. I had to do it for myself and to teach my girls not to live like me. No more excuses, no more guilts, no more feeling sorry for myself, no more "ill do it tomorrow". It was hard, it still is, i still have lazy days. I just got to a point of being fed up with being fed up. I started mfp, and counted calories. Ive lost 14.5kg so far, it can be done, if i can do it so can you. I picked one goal a week and tried so hard to accomplish them, like drink 2 litres of water a day, walk for 10 minutes a day. Just small things that i cld build on. As for the house work, i picked one room and cleaned it from top to bottom. Every day i did a little bit more, i organised and named things for places to go. It took me two weeks. I made a chore chart for my girls and the internet is off until its done. Have you got accsess to child care/day care/play group/friends and family, for yr little one a few hrs a week? You can do it. Single parents are strong and resilient amazing!!!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm a single mom to 3 kids ages 7, 6 and 5 so I can understand some of your struggles. Sit down and prioritize the repairs you need around the house and focus on one at a time. Budget your money and make small goals each month (save $20 somewhere). For the eating, it helps if I have sugar free gum or hard candy around. I have one and drink a glass of water and try and get distracted with something around the house or a game with my kids. I bet your 3 year old would get a kick out of you doing an exercise dvd/youtube video in the living room. He/She may even join in (my 5 year old does some of the time). I find getting in some exercise helps me eat less or not emotional eat as often. Hugs!