how to maintain weight loss through pregnancy

It's taken me two years to loose the 70lbs. For me it has been about lifestyle change and not just gimmicky diets, cleanses etc.

I'm a mother of two boys ages 12 & 11 and now I will be having a 3rd child.

With as hard as I have worked to maintain my loss, and to keep active the idea of gaining even 1/2 my weight back frightens me. I have NO DESIRE to ever see 200lbs again.

I've discussed this with my doctor who advised me to add an additional 340cal to my intake during my 2nd trimester and 490cal during my 3rd.

I am looking for fitness routines that combine some cardio with weight/strength training that I can continue during pregnancy. I'm entering my 2nd trimester now and am starting to feel uncomfortable in my tummy.

Any links, videos, moves, tips you can share would be fabulous!!!!

ALSO best belly support bands for workouts????


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    What exercise have you been doing? Why not continue doing that exercise, scaled back or modified when necessary?
  • RockAShelley
    RockAShelley Posts: 53 Member
    I've been doing a mix of light cardio and strength recently. Fatigue and hypoglycemia is keeping me from a heavier routine. I'm continuing but having a basketball belly in my way is going to complicate things like planks, deadlifts, push ups, etc.

    I guess I was hoping someone could suggest alternatives
  • GettingFit5551
    GettingFit5551 Posts: 110 Member
    I really recommend the Leslie Sansone Tone Every Zone Walk. It has 3, 20 minute workouts that are very basic interval workouts. The first one is upper body, second is lower body and 3rd is a fast 20 minute walk. I imagine these are good for pregnancy as the moves are very uncomplicated and you can adjust and use lighter weights if you need to.
  • Wophie
    Wophie Posts: 126 Member
    Do you mean you want to maintain regular exercise or actual weight loss?

    I'd say that your bed bet is to eat clean and healthy to give your baby the nutrients it needs and take regular walks. It's all about listening to your body first though.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Wophie wrote: »
    Do you mean you want to maintain regular exercise or actual weight loss?

    I'd say that your bed bet is to eat clean and healthy to give your baby the nutrients it needs and take regular walks. It's all about listening to your body first though.

    This. You're going to gain some weight during pregnancy. Eating at maintenance may be your best bet. But do talk to your doctor, there are nutrients of which your body is going to need extra, not less. As long as you don't let yourself get out of control a little weight gain is normal I would think. Exercise, at least the type approved by your doctor, is also a good idea.
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 347 Member
    I've been doing a mix of light cardio and strength recently. Fatigue and hypoglycemia is keeping me from a heavier routine. I'm continuing but having a basketball belly in my way is going to complicate things like planks, deadlifts, push ups, etc.

    I guess I was hoping someone could suggest alternatives
    I would take planks out completely at this point. Switching to a sumo stance with your deadlifts will let you continue to deadlift. You can try push ups with your hands elevated on either a bench, box, or the wall.).

    The best support band I found was given to me at one of my check ups. I forgot the brand.

    This Pilates video was really helpful to me during my pregnancy.

    I also found the suggestions on to be really helpful.
  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    Remember each day is different while pregnant! While you may be uncomfortable one day, you'll feel great another. Just entering your 2nd tri means you're rounding the base into a really easy stretch, so don't get discouraged! I logged my calories on MFP so I could accurately track what I was eating. And just like now, I still made sure to have room for treats and indulgences, but also made sure to properly nourish my body. I also lifted and did cardio up until the day I delivered. Some days were not as stellar as others and that's okay. My first pregnancy, my OB told me to scale back and not lift more than 25lbs and by the time I had my 3rd, my OB had more relevant studies and let me keep at it while listening to my body. Listen to your doctor, remember you chose that person for a reason, so you obviously value their opinion. If they say you can continue exercise, then go for it! Good luck!!