over 50 here



  • planemech2004
    planemech2004 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all! 52 here, want to drop about 70 pounds and get back to a healthy lifestyle. lower back pain and bad knees...but I am determined. Goal is to loose weight, feel better about myself, get back my energy, and to get off these meds I am on!!
  • cabwj
    cabwj Posts: 843 Member
    I started this group a while back, for folks 50 and over with 50 or more pounds to lose. It kind of limped along and didn't really take off. I would love to see the group get active.

    Here is a link: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/115683-50-50-journey
    (you may need to copy and paste it into your browser.
  • gottennis_2
    gottennis_2 Posts: 204 Member
    I just turned 53. Looking to lose about 20-25 lbs before this May. Avid tennis player so I do get in my cardio for the week but trying to watch how I eat. With all the tennis I play I never seem to lose any weight and I assume it is because of all the unhealthy food decisions that I make. Trying to do better.
  • machete66
    machete66 Posts: 26 Member
    edited January 2017
    sweet my old *kitten* made it 50 pushups in 50.3 seconds
    did 30 lil under a minute 3 days ago
  • machete66
    machete66 Posts: 26 Member
    edited January 2017
    even though I had to stop at 30 then finish last 20.new goal non stop 50
  • gdelao1
    gdelao1 Posts: 15 Member
    54 starting again.
  • lauravlad
    lauravlad Posts: 2 Member
    58 here and starting again too. Kept about 60 lbs off for ten years and all the sudden creeping back on so trying to get back at it.
  • tis_i
    tis_i Posts: 8 Member
    54, returned to MFP but this time with a Fitbit. Lost 20lbs a few years ago right after going gluten free but stalled out after that. Would like to lose 15 more so I can be stronger and have more stamina.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    69 been here over three years lost 46 lbs.
  • exsyscokid
    exsyscokid Posts: 10 Member
    54, starting year 2 with MFP
  • machete66
    machete66 Posts: 26 Member
    awesome and welcome
  • machete66
    machete66 Posts: 26 Member
    about 2 weeks ago set i goal to do 500 pushups in 5 days since its the weekend what ever I do I don't count but I nailed 400 in 4 days yes I failed 500 pushups in 5 days ( I set goal m-f only
  • machete66
    machete66 Posts: 26 Member
    little insite I was a member here in 08 as eriny was closer to300 lbs then I ever like to be I was 275 lost est 60 lbs at the end able then to work out was doing 1000 pushups 500 situps etc at the goal set then .then life as we know can happen ................................wellllllll yes ive not only gotten older and gained est 20lb and :/ flabby . back then I did for for boys and me now I do it for my love karen,the boys who now are men on there own to never give up and for me to once again go buy my shmedium shirts . LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN
  • samgig
    samgig Posts: 25 Member
    hi i am 59 and have been on/off MFP for awhile...lost 30 lbs but have gained it all back post back surgery...now need to get back on the wagon
  • DavidRocketts
    DavidRocketts Posts: 80 Member
    Hello, I hit 55 next April 21st - been back 6 weeks and 11lbs down on a 30lbs target. 'Friend me by all means!
    best regards, David
  • machete66
    machete66 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello and how is everyone doing
  • tmschiessl
    tmschiessl Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, day 2. I'm 51 and would like to lose 15-20 lbs, I am just under 5ft tall. I have MS and tried the Wahl protocol for a while, but was unable to maintain due to the very strict protocol. This is somewhat similar, but it will be interesting as I've been about 90% dairy free for the last 3 yrs. Looking forward to being able to make my cauliflower pizza crust again!
  • machete66
    machete66 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome all fitness peeps please fill free to add me
  • msbigler
    msbigler Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. My name is Helene (pronounced Helane). I’m new.
    Weight loss or even gaining is a real, actual roller coaster ride, many have indicated. Sometimes a lifelong ride, sometimes on and off trip, but regardless, a huge adventure.
    Unfortunately, humans come in different shapes, sizes, body types and today, genders, so going up or going down in weight is a broken line, seldom a straight line of success.
    I am older than the average writer of this message board, pushing that 77 number in a few weeks and from a complete different cultural and generational era. Mother always preached that I must eat from the ‘pyramid’. For those of you who don’t know that term it embodied protein (including what is now called by itself as ‘dairy’) at the base-widest portion of a triangle-to vegetables, taking up a wide area, then fruits, to carbs (they called these ‘starches’), and ending in sugar at the smallest point. Every plate at every meal had all these or the meal was not complete. Weight Watchers came around a few decades later and modified all this by reminding us about portion control, and that fruits and vegetables were ‘limitless’, merging into a point system (very confusing!), to something new even different/newer this year.
    So, how we eat, how much we eat, regardless of the era has been a cornerstone of life for every person having or not having a weight problem. Mother was a petite, small boned, (could eat a horse under the table metabolism) so weight was not her concern, nutrition (according to the pyramid) was. I, unfortunately, did not inherit her stature or lithe DNA. I am tall, big boned from the waist down, small upper bone portion, and about as graceful as a drunken sailor, one foot seldom worked in coordination with rest of me. I was brainwashed to the pyramid and disgraced by my ‘klutzy’ demeanor.
    When I was 21 years old and pregnant with my first child, Mother and the doctor decided I, at 5’8”, 135 was overweight and promptly placed on a 500 a day diet! Can you imagine what a doctor today would say to that?
    Ah! Life of daughters and mothers!
    So, bottom line, how do we get off this weird roller coaster? Not a clue!
    Then I met my Rheumatologist who turned me to My Fitness Pal. Yeah, I have rheumatoid arthritis, so carbs and sugar must be as low as possible, and because arthritis is a cousin to gout, which I also have, keep that protein down. Yahoo! What’s left to eat to get to those 1200 calories a day I’m supposed to have? No way, I kept getting told that I would not lose those 15 lbs. doc wanted me to lose if I didn’t eat more. I’m old, I don’t eat as much as used to! I don’t move like when I was even 30 years old. Life is slower, life is different. So, I lowered my calorie intake to 1100, now I can just about hit that (most of the time), but it’s a huge struggle of how much cheese can one eat and not get ‘plugged’. Yup, too much of a nice thing does weird things to us old ones!
    Struggle, struggle.
    Which brings me to My Fitness Pal’s database. Who put that thing together? Insane! Since when was a fluid ounce ok to use for sunflower seeds, or any ‘dry’ item? Fluid means liquid, for goodness sake! Why is one store brand ‘food’ (try mushrooms), different from another store’s brand? A mushroom is geared by size and kind, which is what determines caloric content. Not a store’s brand! And, why are they filed by store brand, generic, homemade and a few other non-descript categories rather than the food item? When I want mushrooms, I shouldn’t need to search by store, I go by what I hope to eat, which should give me the category, store or other info.
    I have to admit that all of this writing is not something I do. I belong to no social media, blog or other people oriented communications, save for email. They all remind me of gossip fences and very combative. So, forgive the yak, but….life is change, and I thought I’d try to see if anyone would read this and give me some sort of feedback and answers. I’m no computer geek, but I am a tad savvier than the average senior, so tell me about the database’s foibles/idiosyncrasies.
    Helene Bigler
    Snohomish, WA
  • txchics
    txchics Posts: 19 Member
    Over 50 & trying to Make My Next 30 Years the Best!! I sure don't feel as old as I am, well some times I do, lol...#WeCanDoThisYesWeCan!!