Hi all :) completely new to this app.

Hi all :) I'm completely new to my fitness pal. I'm hoping to lose a stone by August. I'm getting married that month so I'm using that as my motivation. I'm not classed as over weight but I have gained 2 stone since having my little boy. (Also stopped smoking which didn't really help with the weight gain) 2 years smoke free! I've struggled for 2 years to get rid of the weight I've gained and to keep it off so I'm really hoping this app will help. I really need to change my lifestyle 'health wise' so yesterday I made the decision to change. I don't have time to go to gym with a 2 year old & day to day chores so I purchased a exercise bike last night and planning to use every night while my sons in bed. Does anyone have any tips or advice? Thank you. :)


  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding - a stone in that time should be perfectly achievable. Key tips I'd pass on is log everything and be honest with yourself. It's amazing how the extra calories add up - when I add up all the little bits I end up eating with my 3yo it can be several hundred calories in a day if I'm not careful! If you have a bad day/weekend etc then still log it. Try not to fret too much about it, but just learn from it and move on.

    Food wise my only advice would be not to be too hard on yourself. Completely denying yourself something you like will often backfire, as you'll end up bingeing later on. Drink plenty of water and if you have a tendency to snack, then make sure to keep healthy ones available. Try to have some protein and fibre in each meal - will help you feel full and prevents extreme blood sugar fluctuations.

    From the exercise point of view a bike is very good - try to mix up your workouts though. As well as some steady-state cycling try doing some interval workouts on the bike as well. I'd also suggest downloading a workout app for your phone (e.g. sworkit / 7-minute workout etc) or checking out videos on youtube/fitness blender etc. These give you some good bodyweight exercises which will help you keep/get toned as you lose weight so you don't lose muscle as you lose weight, and you can do them with minimal equipment. Even if you can only spare a few minutes a day you can fit something in. Whilst it's tempting to exercise every day to help burn calories, listen to your body and learn when you need a rest!

    Otherwise, just keep focussed on why you're doing this and I'm sure you'll do great.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding AND for being smoke free for 2 years! outstanding! :smile:

    You've come to the right place for weight loss :smile:

    Track every single thing you eat as accurately as possible (use a food scale to weigh items is probably the best piece of advice), move a bit more too and before you know it those pounds will start slipping off.

    All the best :smile:
  • Carla_Louise_Ox
    Carla_Louise_Ox Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you both so much for your lovely replies! You've definitely given me some great advice which I'll be taking on board. My calories definitely add up from 'snacking' as I sometimes find it difficult to find the time to sit and eat a proper meal so I tend to snack on crisps,chocolate & junk through out the day. But things will definitely be changing from now on :) thank you both again! x
  • Shutterbuggg
    Shutterbuggg Posts: 196 Member
    Congrats on being smoke free for 2 years! And congrats on your engagement. :)
    In addition to your bike I would try to fit in a body weight workout that requires no (or very little) equipment. SWORKIT is a great app that is free and easy to use.

    This is my favorite post that sums it up nicely:
    Good luck :)