Horrible binge day

I'm very frusturated with myself at the moment. And I know this all has to do with will power and that it's my fault for over eating. But somtimes it's so hard to eat clean, even if I do allow myself goodies in proportion.

My boyfriend took me out to dinner for making it onto the presidents list at my school, and I caved in and got a mojito, the enchiladas and a piece of cheesecake. I tracked it all and holy cow I wound up 2000 calories over my daily limit, I should have gone with the "skinny" options on the menu but today I just.. caved.

/Generally/ I don't give into temptation/urges to binge but I have had a bit of a rough patch in my weight loss journey recently. I still did my weight training which I'm proud of myself for. I don't know, I'm just very discouraged at the moment.

So what do you guys do after a binge? Or in moments of weakness?

Thank you for listening to me vent if you've read this far.


  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    Pick yourself up and don't be so hard on yourself. Tomorrow is a new day. But it's okay to enjoy a day without tracking every now and then. Even once a week if you are strict during the rest of the week. I'm sure you will be fine. I know it seems bad now but just think you said you still did your weight training then that is something to be proud of that you did do today!!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I always caved and overate when I was too restrictive on my diet. Now, I have a lower deficit (aim for around 1700 rather than 1200 calories) and fit in a treat regularly (ice cream, or cookies, or beer, etc. I feel less pressure on being "good" all the time, and I feel more balanced emotionally, because the foods are no longer "good" or "bad," therefore when I eat something that I would have previously considered "bad" I'm not a failure. What I'm trying to say is that it might be worth re-evaluating your goals and choices to allow yourself some leeway to enjoy a celebration when you have earned it, without the impending guilt.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Just remember you had a big meal...you didn't ruin it all. You can start fresh tomorrow with tracking, drinking lots of water and getting back on track. Congratulations on getting on the presidents list!
  • Catnipp_
    Catnipp_ Posts: 27 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    I always caved and overate when I was too restrictive on my diet. Now, I have a lower deficit (aim for around 1700 rather than 1200 calories) and fit in a treat regularly (ice cream, or cookies, or beer, etc. I feel less pressure on being "good" all the time, and I feel more balanced emotionally, because the foods are no longer "good" or "bad," therefore when I eat something that I would have previously considered "bad" I'm not a failure. What I'm trying to say is that it might be worth re-evaluating your goals and choices to allow yourself some leeway to enjoy a celebration when you have earned it, without the impending guilt.

    Thank you for your input , I think (for me at least) it would be good to have a few 1700 days along with my 1200 calories days, when I was younger I was obsessed with extreme dieting so it's been very hard to break that mentality, back then I was never able to lose weight, but fast forward to today I'm doing it healthy and I'm already down 20+ lbs in 7 months after years of trying to lose weight.
  • Catnipp_
    Catnipp_ Posts: 27 Member
    suruda wrote: »
    Just remember you had a big meal...you didn't ruin it all. You can start fresh tomorrow with tracking, drinking lots of water and getting back on track. Congratulations on getting on the presidents list!
    Thank you for the kind words and for your input, some days it's just really a struggle for me. But I try my best
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Catnipp_ wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    I always caved and overate when I was too restrictive on my diet. Now, I have a lower deficit (aim for around 1700 rather than 1200 calories) and fit in a treat regularly (ice cream, or cookies, or beer, etc. I feel less pressure on being "good" all the time, and I feel more balanced emotionally, because the foods are no longer "good" or "bad," therefore when I eat something that I would have previously considered "bad" I'm not a failure. What I'm trying to say is that it might be worth re-evaluating your goals and choices to allow yourself some leeway to enjoy a celebration when you have earned it, without the impending guilt.

    Thank you for your input , I think (for me at least) it would be good to have a few 1700 days along with my 1200 calories days, when I was younger I was obsessed with extreme dieting so it's been very hard to break that mentality, back then I was never able to lose weight, but fast forward to today I'm doing it healthy and I'm already down 20+ lbs in 7 months after years of trying to lose weight.

    It's really hard to break through that mentality. It took me a long time, and then one day, it just seemed to come to me. I knew that I needed to change my mindset, to change my results. It was liberating.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    2000 calories... to add a bit of perspective, that isn't even a pound. 3500 calories to gain or lose a pound and you're already eating at a deficit so not all of those calories would even count. You haven't done anything "bad" or even wrong. You enjoyed a great meal (I hope you enjoyed it!) And you'll keep on keeping on from here!
  • kittykat4lyf
    kittykat4lyf Posts: 6 Member
    Be proud of your accomplishments and don't be so hard on yourself. You're clearly working hard to improve your life and health in more ways than one. Congrats on the presidents list! Also, you're being accountable for your actions and sticking to the exercise. The fact that you went home and tracked your meal despite being disappointed by your choices that day means that you're in it for the long haul. Life is a journey, not a destination. You got this!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i dont see a binge anywhere, just a nice meal tht put you over your cals... no big deal.

    next time maybe try and work it into your weekly cals.