Staying motivated

My motivation and sight for my goal is easy to keep when I'm seeing progress and muscle growth but I feel like I haven't seen any progress this week and it's super discouraging. What is something some of you do to not get discouraged?


  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Realize it change isn't linear. You will have ups and downs. Are you noticing other nonphysical changes? Better endurance?
  • ReadyToWorkx
    ReadyToWorkx Posts: 7 Member
    I'm going through the same thing. After recently picking up running because everyone tells me they always see results, I haven't. Maybe because it's only been 2 weeks? Granted I've noticed a minor difference in my calves... coming from someone who has lost 90+ lbs, I still think I look the same as I did before
  • AlyssaJones170
    AlyssaJones170 Posts: 4 Member
    I am very very new to this.. I had recently lost -40 lbs. but my ultimate issue is that I am fresh out of College and away from close friends and a support system and feel very unmotivated to keep working out as I attempt to practice adulting . I just need a little kick into my step. I need a buddies to keep me on my game when I feel lazy in order to keep my mental and physical health on balance I just ulitmately need a consistent support system
  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    My motivation and sight for my goal is easy to keep when I'm seeing progress and muscle growth but I feel like I haven't seen any progress this week and it's super discouraging. What is something some of you do to not get discouraged?

    Had you been seeing progress each week before? If so congrats! For me, and probably many others, we have to wait several weeks to see progress like weight loss. Someone else can advise about muscles, since I don't know about that. If it's just one week maybe you'll see better results next week, or the ones after, just keep at it
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    After tracking my food and hitting the gym for 5+ years (and lifting for 1.5 years) I can say that the fitness/health lifestyle is definitely not linear when it comes to motivation. You will feel like you're getting no where some days, but stay consistent and it will be worth it. Take progress photos to compare to where you started. Be confident in strength gains. You will get there. Do not give up no matter how much you want to, visible results will follow eventually, just be patient.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Also, you usually don't see results week to week. That isn't typical. It took me months and months of lifting before I saw an actual change, I had to go by progress photos and strength gains.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Do you keep records, pics, notes, etc of your progress along the way? (If not, start now, and reconstruct what you can from the past.) This is what keeps me motivated. You're not going to feel amazing every single workout and some days you might be able to do less than the day before. This is no reason to get discouraged and give up. Just look back at how far you've come!

    Sometimes we set up artificial notions of what we think we should see for progress and if we don't see it, or don't experience a certain feeling, or don't progress the way we set up in our mind, we use that an excuse to quit trying. Honestly, most days I don't "feel motivated." There is always something else calling. It is ALWAYS hard to get started. But I've set my plan and that's what I choose to follow. If I had to "feel motivated" every single day I would make myself crazy and would have given up 125 pounds ago. That would have been a pity.
  • TeachingT
    TeachingT Posts: 814 Member
    Remember why you started. And what your original goal is. Make smaller goals along the way and just strive for them. Then the ultimate goal will not only be achieved, but also not seem so far out of grasp.