Wanted - Supportive and Motivational Friends

Hey guys!

I've now been on here for TWELVE days straight and I feel amazing. Hitting my goals and such. But I could use some more friends who are active and will be there to motivate and inspire. I do the same in return of course. Having friends is very helpful. So let's do this!

Hope to hear from some awesome peeps! Thanks in advance.

Your future friend,
Ayla Lee


  • rlissaman82
    rlissaman82 Posts: 1 Member
    Twelve days straight is good, it's the weekends that mess me up, too many takeaways
  • kittykat4lyf
    kittykat4lyf Posts: 6 Member
    I'd love to add you and support each others goals but I'm having a hard time figuring out this site. Add me if you've figured it out!
  • leanneclarke2012
    leanneclarke2012 Posts: 11 Member
    Add me if you want to :) im on day 7 ive lost weight in the past put it bk on through my pregnancy now im getting it back off again:) ive been exercising daily and eating healthy and have lost 6lb in my first week
  • janeymast
    janeymast Posts: 13 Member
    Add me if you'd like I'm in the same boat! Hopefully we can all support each other.
  • ReadyToWorkx
    ReadyToWorkx Posts: 7 Member
    I've been on here for half of my journey and just figured out we could have friends last week
  • mycoffeeinbed
    mycoffeeinbed Posts: 16 Member
    edited January 2017
    Awesome! Gotta start somewhere. I have been on here for a few years, of and on. getting my *kitten* back together and on track. Add me if you like... I work hard so I can play hard!
  • BirdieMama4
    BirdieMama4 Posts: 6 Member
    You are going in the right direction. I have been on and off FitnessPal but have decided to put away all the other tracking apps. This one just get's me. Add me if you would like!
  • Holly23bgs
    Holly23bgs Posts: 51 Member
    Having supportive and vocal friends on here has been helpful for me, especially when I'm having those down days and just want to eat all the things and be lazy. I'm always looking for more connections to keep that up so you all can add me too :)