Slimming World

Does anybody know anything about Slimming World? I know it is based out of the U.K. It's almost as old as Weight.Watchers. Right now I want to stay in the freebie mode. I poured enough money into WW that they shoulld have grandfathered me stock. But I am curious


  • ursula130
    ursula130 Posts: 47 Member
    edited December 2016
    I just went to my last group weigh in. From everything I see, if you didn't like WW SW won't fix it either. I will keep the books I have but won't pay another £4.95/week (9.90 if you miss a week) for going on a scale. IMO not worth the money!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I have friends who have been successful with slimming world. But when they stop they put the weight back on
  • cside691
    cside691 Posts: 39 Member
    If you have the info and the motivation it's easy to do it yourself. There are lots of support groups on FB sharing recipes etc. It's a lifestyle not a diet so if you stop you will put the weight back on but it has worked well for lots of people I know
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I know a lot of people who have been successful on SW. I also know a lot of people who are successful with MFP too...
  • Netty_Connelly
    Netty_Connelly Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. I have lost weight with slimming world but put more back on when I stopped. I've tried going back to it a few times but I really don't like how they seem to want to add chemicals / sweetners/ diet drinks/ butter buds all the time. It feels like trying to find ways to cheat rather than learning healthy ways to live. Good luck!
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    I've got a copy of the food optimising book and a crash course from a buddy in work - so far I've spent nothing!
    There is no way I'm going to pay to get weighed, I have a scales at home. The internet tells me how many 'syns' are in all my favorite treats!

    I'm not using 1 cal 'frylite' I'm using a 2 cal olive oil spray (no added chemicals or propellant)
    I don't add much sugar anyway to food, so I'm going to use Splenda if I need it.
    And I prefer water to diet drinks - so no issues there.
    There are lots of online recipes so I should be able to get a good variety of food

    Well for me its obvious that my gains are due to zero nutrition calories (cake, chocolate, wine!) as well as munching on cheese and crackers when I'm peckish!
    I'm hoping the low fat/high fibre diet plan gets a few pounds off the tummy, and the syn counting will make me more aware of how many sneaky treats I feed myself during the day.
    I've had good days and bad days so far and only on my 2nd home weigh in this weekend.
    I exercise a LOT and at 179cms tall I'm hoping I haven't gone too far awry with my extra syning :)

    I'm also lucky that living in Ireland gives me access to a lot of good quality, affordable meats and veg. From reading posts over the years (and my nephew living in the states) I hear that the foods I take for granted here are much more expensive in the USA
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Just do myfitnesspal.

    Free and effective!