Looking for vegan friends?



  • avingers
    avingers Posts: 29 Member
    Just started my vegan test run this week, and would also like some vegan/vegetarian friends :) I've never been a big fan of meat, mostly just eat it for the protein. What are your highest protein foods? That's the one thing I've struggled with so far.
  • Irishmaggie
    Irishmaggie Posts: 5 Member
    I'm doing a vegan test run too after reading "How Not to Die". My big sources of protein right now are quinoa and beans. I'm trying to stick with whole food vs processed like fake meat but I'm not being obsessive about it. I joined a couple FB groups for vegans and some of the people are intense. I'm going to take it slow so I don't overwhelm myself and give up.

    I've been slowly cutting out meat for a while but just this week committed to going full vegan for at least a month.
  • mellybeezkneez
    mellybeezkneez Posts: 10 Member
    Fellow vegetarian here, let's pal up girl ✌️
  • Bightersideofme
    Bightersideofme Posts: 7 Member
    I am on Paleo, 12 pounds in 12 days!! Just started and feel great!! But I love to look at began stuff.
  • Bightersideofme
    Bightersideofme Posts: 7 Member
    Vagen sorry
  • Iknewyouweretrouble
    Iknewyouweretrouble Posts: 561 Member
    anyone in this happy little group can add me :)
  • lolymommy
    lolymommy Posts: 11 Member
    OP, you might want to look up Dr. Fuhman. He advocates a Nutritarian diet- always choosing the foods with highest micronutrients. This diet will improve your health. If blood pressure is your concern, it won't hurt to try. Works for me.