Female Question... help meeeee

megs603x Posts: 14 Member
edited January 2017 in Food and Nutrition
Ladies--or guys who happen to have ideas--

I have been doing well for over two weeks now with zero slip ups and exercising every day. We're quickly approaching that time of the month and I get the worst cramps, but also the worst cravings during this time, primarily for chocolate or salt.

EDIT: I realize two weeks isn't a really long time, especially compared to some of you. I work two jobs and when I have free time, I'm usually a lazy POS so two straight weeks is a big deal for me.

Does anyone have any tips, secrets, or diet-friendly advice for something that will satisfy these when they come in the next couple days? Is there a life saving treat out there you ladies go to when you're trying to stay good but can't fight the craving?

I'm also worried about what I can do for exercises as my cramps can sometimes leave me almost incapable of exercise or even functioning like a regular person :D

Any ideas or advice are welcome. I haven't dieted and been serious about it like I am now in a really long time. I really don't want to fall off the wagon over something like this.


  • clrss1
    clrss1 Posts: 17 Member
    When I have chocolate or sweets cravings I'll keep some medjool dates in the fridge. Sometimes I'll make an avocado cacao chia mousse (grinding the chia or using ground chia makes a great texture for this mousse).. Happy to share a recipe. Salt cravings - sometimes just some salt on a few slices of cucumber actually does the trick because I just want salt, I'm not really hungry... Popcorn with a little spice blend (I make a variety) is great too (either sweet of salty)..a big handful can go a long way when I start cramping. Another go to when I'm feeling particularly uncomfortable is a chai tea with a touch of honey. Something about a giant mug of warm spicy tea. Hope that helps.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    anti-inflammatories for a few days prior to onset. that's the advice i was given for those kinds of cramps. i never tried it out specifically, but i will say that getting diagnosed with r.a. and getting put on nsaids and dmards for a few years seemed to take care of the cramps as a side-effect. i took naproxen, but otc ought to work just as well; just take them with food to protect your stomach a bit. if i were still prone to cramps now i might try to do a bit of psoas and hip flexor release beforehand, since they seemed to get me that way as well.

    can't help with the cravings though. if your cramps are incapacitating, take it easy. or exercise lightly. it's not the end of the world or the end of your new lifestyle, even.
  • sarko15
    sarko15 Posts: 330 Member
    edited January 2017
    Lots of water and tea to keep my mouth occupied and hopefully trick my stomach. If it's really bad, I'll just eat at maintenance for a day. No harm no foul, and it abates the hanger enough that my poor boyfriend with the incredible metabolism doesn't have to listen to me whine about how I'm hungry and everything hurts :smile:

    And second the suggestion for anti-inflammatories. And sometimes, if you get to the gym before the cramps really set in, you can make them totally go away.
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    Salt. There are lentil chips that are fairly tasty and good for calorie count .
    Chocolate. I eat it almost every day and weight loss is consistent that is because I make it fit in my calorie allotment. Follow previous adivice and add more magnesium it may help with the cravings
  • HoldTheDoor13
    HoldTheDoor13 Posts: 172 Member
    Home popped popcorn. Salt. Two or three squares of chocolate melted in the microwave. Pour melted chocolate goodness over salted popcorn. Thank me later.

    Salty, chocolatey, high volume, a bit of fiber from the popcorn, and a very reasonable serving (~30g of popcorn kernels and 3 squares of chocolate) for less than 200 calories
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    edited January 2017
    re: the cramps - I just found out from a doctor recently that the substances our bodies release that cause cramping start being released a few days BEFORE our period, and the cramps themselves, hit. NSAIDs (like tylenol or motrin) actually not only help pain, they ALSO help prevent the release of these substances due to how they impact the cells in question. So if you are at all regular, starting anti-inflammatories/pain meds a few days before your period starts and continuing throughout can really help the cramps more. It has worked so far for me, when I tried it!

    re: cravings. chocolate has been shown to have something that helps people deal with pain (due to the sweet - which seems to help with pain, even with newborns - and there is a substance in chocolate that helps a little more as well, I have read). So if you deal with the pain, you may eliminate the craving. But sucking on something AND eating something sweet can also help the body cope with pain, so many having some low calorie lollipops around to use instead might help with that a little?
  • jagodfrey08
    jagodfrey08 Posts: 425 Member
    I keep some Ghirardelli sea salt soiree in the cabinet for days like that. It's a nice dark chocolate with almonds and sea salt. Really tasty. One square is like 50 calories and helps curb the craving. Hormones are tough. I have to drink a lot of water, take my vitamins, and eat very balanced meals/snacks to avoid the cravings. However, sometimes I will indulge if I have the calories to do so. I wish you the best!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    For 3 days every month, I eat my maintenance calories and don't workout. Some people do better pushing through, others like me just throw up their hands and blame nature LOL.

    If you feel like you won't be able to get back on track, I find good dark chocolate hits the spot. I tend to crave salty sweet, so I buy some over-priced salted dark chocolate for just that occasion. I find a couple of Advil and a Coke Zero help with cramps, though mine aren't all that bad. If you are too uncomfortable to workout, a nice brisk walk should be doable, plus it will burn a few calories and keep up the "habit" of putting on your workout clothes and doing something.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I keep some Ghirardelli sea salt soiree in the cabinet for days like that. It's a nice dark chocolate with almonds and sea salt. Really tasty. One square is like 50 calories and helps curb the craving. Hormones are tough. I have to drink a lot of water, take my vitamins, and eat very balanced meals/snacks to avoid the cravings. However, sometimes I will indulge if I have the calories to do so. I wish you the best!

    I love those!
  • parisaayazi
    parisaayazi Posts: 2 Member
    hi - i have been on and off the wagon a lot - but when I'm actually eating well most of the time and i get cravings i have a small piece of dark chocolate - don't set the bar in front of you especially the sea salt soiree or you will eat the whole thing, sometimes i buy darker chocolate than i like 75-80% cacao so it's not as easy to eat and i only have a small square to get the intense cocoa flavor. that way i dont want to eat a bunch of it. Worse case at work sometimes im just in PAIN that time of month and want warm, cozy, sweets and i have one packet of swiss miss with hot water (70-80 calories) but it calms that craving, better than binging later!
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    edited January 2017
    I used to get bad cramps. Turns out i was magnesium deficient. Taking a calcium-magnesium pill regularly, or eating lots of pumpkin seeds, relieved the cramps. Worked for cramps during pregnancy too. You lose magnesium in your blood and magnesium is necessary for proper muscle function.

    For cravings, i seek out the healthiest option and then assign a certain amount of calories to it. For instance for chocolate, i get some good 70% bittersweet chocolate and eat 100 calories of it. Hide the rest away. The lower amount of sugar reduces more cravings.