46F intends to lose 50

MossiO Posts: 164 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all. Mid forties, met my now-husband 5 years ago and somehow all the celebrating translated into 50 extra pounds on my 5'8" frame.

I've been on MFP since 2011 but I rebelled against having to track my food. I wanted it to just HAPPEN with me being sort of careful with diet and exercise, ya know?

So eventually I did some research on how weight loss maintainers actually maintain, and the top of the list was always tracking food. So I finally just realized I need to track food like I track my debit account, and here I am, again.

I'm in this for the long haul. I'm not going to lose 30 pounds by spring, or get the pool body by summer. My goals are long-term. I'm calculated to a pound a week. I need something I can maintain. This is not a diet.

I've also had some common health issues--high triglycerides, high cholesterol, being winded going upstairs, creaky knees--you know the drill. My whole thing is doing what's sustainable, for health, fitness, and maybe eventually a swimsuit.

Anyhoo-.I'm always looking for new, like-minded friends. My diary is open to friends. I may go over on calories from time to time (hello, beer!), but I'm here to stay. If you'd like to friend me, and have someone else ready to give you a "way to go!" comment on your victories, add me!


  • eIIekay
    eIIekay Posts: 164 Member
    hi welcome...im 47 and have been here since july...im down 40 and want to lose about 75 more. it will take time...and once i get there...ill have to learn how to maintain, so, ya...ill be here awhile :smile: I feel so good since starting...my strength and flexibility are way better and its been great fitting back into old clothes. i thought i had NO metabolism, so it's great to see I actually have one! i know this isn't a "diet" that i can just quit. quitting this means gaining weight and im not willing to do that! i go over more often than i should...hoping with the holiday season done, that it gets less frequent now. best wishes to u!
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I'm 42 and same boat :smile: I do know this works, though! Lost 50lbs with it a few years ago.. then stopped tracking and I'm back with 30lbs back on me, so looking to lose another 50lbs and get down lower than I did before.