Sneaky ways to get some exercise...

I'm stuck at work this Saturday morning (need to finish a project for a Monday morning deadline - most of the work left is printing and filing documents) and the office is empty. Not even the cleaning crew to keep me company. So instead of my regular Saturday morning gym visit...

- lunges to the printer and back (10 meters if it were a straight line - stopped counting how many times I've done that already)
- how many squats in 30 seconds? (mis-timed my arrival at the printer and wasn't about to waste that time)
- Coffee-jacks! Nope not going to forgo my hourly coffee if I'm already stuck here. But jumping jacks in front of the coffee machine while the coffee is being prepared are actually fun!
- skip-a-ton to the folder reserve (clear on the other side of the building - roughly 50 meters one way)
- Inchworm to the in-office stock of folder registers (only 5 meters, but those made my cry by the 3rd time since I miscalculated the amount I need...)

What are your sneak-in exercises when no one is looking?


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,944 Member
    At my work, I climb stairs.

    I work in an 10 story building, and so a couple times a day I hike to the top and back ... plus getting up to my floor in the morning and at lunch.

    I also walk the long way to the toilet from time to time. That's about 200 metres each time. Do that 5 times a day, and I've got 1 km in. :)
  • shaun823
    shaun823 Posts: 28 Member
    Damn, girl! That's good stuff. I've done stuff like 20 push-ups and/or air squats every hour on the hour. But you got like an office circuit set up for yourself, lol! Good stuff. Way to keep moving!
  • michelefullerton72
    michelefullerton72 Posts: 52 Member
    Blooming impressive, you found away, I'm a believer if theirs a will there is a way, keep it up x
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Back when I was working, I'd run up and down the stairs - about 4-6 floors worth of steps. We have two kids under 4 now, so the baby bounces in his jumper, and the 3 year old runs around the house with me when I try to exercise, so it works out. :) I do some push ups and squats when my husband isn't aware, but not on purpose.

    Good job on finding some things that work out for you though!
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    I'm just sad I can't use most of those when other people are in the office. They already think me seriously strange as it is...

    I often use my toilet break to sneak in some squats when no one is looking. But I need (well want is probably more accurate) to find some more things I can do that don't look like I'm trying to sneak in more movement.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    This great! I often do that sort of thing, but I work at home so it's easier. Push-ups in the edge of the kitchen counter while heating up my coffee, crunches in my chair, running up and down the stairs to get to the printer, etc.

    How funny would it be to get the whole office doing it?!? But they could never crack a smile or laugh at the silliness or it would kill the funny. :)
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    I do side steps ( halfway between a step and a lunge) in front of the bed while I fold laundry. I have 4 boys, so lots of laundry! I also got a mini elliptical and will hop on that for a few minutes when I escape to my room for a sanity break, or pull it out watching tv at night.