New guy with a long way to go.. (new friends welcome)

Hey all,

Thought I'd post here to introduce myself (duh).

I'm Jacob. I'm 23 years old, 6'0 and 322 lbs. I have trouble bending over to tie my shoes, my back hurts most days that I work and I don't like paying $2-$5 more for big people clothing.

I'm a full time business student, fiancé and I work part time. I have a busy and fulfilling life but I'm seriously lacking in the health department.

I have never attempted to get support from others, so maybe that is my issue. Feel free to add me for accountability and I'll do the same for you!


  • glennnc0c0
    glennnc0c0 Posts: 14 Member
    One day at a time!!
  • debs4373
    debs4373 Posts: 3 Member
    Great first step many more to come well done
  • jacobhillman
    jacobhillman Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the kind words :)
  • s_lavoie1990
    s_lavoie1990 Posts: 3 Member
    Like Glen said, take things one day at a time. You'll find a big difference by just tweeting your diet and add in a few extra things in your day, like taking stairs instead of an elevator and what not.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Welcome to MFP...wishing you much success..feel free to add me
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    Welcome! I am happy to hear your story. It is not an easy road, but you have taken a huge step already. Be proud! Feel free to add me.
  • pgriccio634
    pgriccio634 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Jacob! My name is Phil. I'm 6' 4" 275lbs down from 360lbs. Let me know if you need anything. I'll be here grinding with you my man! Big guys got to stick together.
  • Alicat2622
    Alicat2622 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I finally decided to turn on the app and use it and I too will be one day at a time. Gonna focus on movement too. Willing to have friends and support peeps so sing out and I will answer back on this journey!
  • I agree with all. Taking the stairs over the escalator does make a difference. And buy those portion control lunch bags (you can get them cheaper at Marshall's or Amazon). Set small goals like walking around the block or parking farther. Every step is a step closer to where you want to be.
  • Mahogany_Bee
    Mahogany_Bee Posts: 15 Member
    Baby steps are important :)... just adding more water or an extra fruit or vegetable eventually goes a very long way. I've added walking at least 30 minutes a day when first working out (too overweight to do anything else lol)...the most important thing to remember is that when making a big change like this it isn't a diet but a lifestyle change :)...finding alternatives to some of my unhealthy junk food addictions have made a wolrd of difference
  • Welcome! Like everyone has said above, it is one day at a time. Walks are the best place to start and making small healthy food choices. Soon you will find the big stuff will be easy!
  • jacobhillman
    jacobhillman Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind welcomes (and thanks to the peeps that added me! )
  • timjmartin23
    timjmartin23 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm on a similar journey, I am going to lose another 100 lbs this year, already lost 24lbs since I started with a PT in mid November.

    If I can share what I've found, denying yourself food or foods doesn't work - eat clean, unprocessed food for your main diet & moderation on the rest - stay in your MFP target & log everything - even if it puts you over!

    Exercise is everything & don't shy from the weights as well as cardio - it accelerates your base metabolism rate & really helps.

    Try not to "lose 100 lbs ... rather, lose 1lb but 100 times" ... don't know why but that makes me feel better

    Add if you wish... I don't ramble on quite as much but do log every day!

  • Spingirl76
    Spingirl76 Posts: 6 Member
    You got this! I'm glad your here and looking to make a change. New myself to the MyFitnessPal community and just sent a friend request.