Tired of feeling like a potato

moocowiing Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
So apparently I'm fat because my mom recommended this app to me. Hi mom! Jokes aside, I am joining to help support my mom. She has lost 11 lbs so far! Go mom! I am also joining for me. I want to lose the weight I've gained since I was diagnosed with hypothyroid. Nice to meet all of you! I need some support friends. Add me?


  • MagneticGanymede
    MagneticGanymede Posts: 180 Member
    Added! I'm new too. :smile:
  • moocowiing
    moocowiing Posts: 6 Member
    Added! I'm new too. :smile:

    Nice to meet you! :)
  • Thicknsexii100
    Thicknsexii100 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey....whats hypothyroid?
  • moocowiing
    moocowiing Posts: 6 Member
    Hey....whats hypothyroid?

    Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone and it throws your entire body out of whack. It causes brain fog, fatigue, dry skin, and excessive weight gain, among other things. It's treated with a pill, like most things. I recently found out Oprah has hypothyroidism which is why her weight fluctuates. The more you know... lol.