when running...



  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    Honestly, I make up stories. The other day I narrated my way through a whole neighborhood, making up things about the neighborhoods people and everyday life. Distraction improves my endurance, what can I say?
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    My mind starts to wander within the first few minutes, whether on the dreadmill or the trail. Sometimes I'm working math problems, sometimes I sorting out the days issues, sometimes I'm trying to decide my strategy for the mountains that lie ahead of me on my run.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I"m a dork, but a book junkie, I listen to audio books and loose myself in the story. It works for me, and I don't mind being a dork :)

    Hi fellow book junkie, I'm pleased to see that there are a few of us here!

    I usually listen to audio books too, so that is quite absorbing, but I often find myself distracted and thinking about what is happening at home or at work, what I will have for breakfast, whether my husband will have made me a coffee when I get home, why builders are allowed to completely destroy the footpath, whether it is going to rain, whether I will make it up that giant hill or have to walk half of it, why I live in a suburb with so many hills (though the name T... Hill, might be a give away there), why all the hills seems be downwards on my way out and up on my way home, where I could buy running pants with the right size pocket for my iPhone, why cute men have cute dogs, why people need gloves, beanie and scarf on a 10C morning, will my mum get better any time soon, whether I should be breathing in this rhythm or that ... you get the idea!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Oh, one more thing to add - recently, when I run outside I've been thinking - how long until fall gets here? I hate TX... Geez, I thought 99 degrees was bad, that would feel beautiful right about now... will it ever get below 100 degrees again? How can I make enough money to afford a summer home in Maine or Alaska? :laugh:
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I change where I run quite often, so I spend a lot of the time looking at the birds/plants/wildllife/river/people. Sometimes I think about what I'm going to make for dinner, what I have to do the next day, and other mundane things like that. If it's a long run I usually hit a point where I imagine the pavement streaming out behind me like a long ribbon and I picture my feet pushing off, propelling me forward, churning out more and more ribbon. I always imagine how far I've come, not how far I have to go though. Don't know why, but that image motivates me to keep going. If I'm struggling I might be repeating a mantra or chant, or I might just be thinking "I'll just run until I get to that tree...now that fencepost...now that mile marker..." Sometimes I'm just paying attention to the feel of my feet on the ground, or the sound of my breath, or my arm swing, or some other physical sensation. I only resort to music when I'm on the dreadmill because I get bored VERY quickly when I have to run indoors, and if I used music all the time it would lose its effectiveness for me.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Running is my therapy. I think about what I've accomplished recently, what I want to accomplish; how to get to that accomplishment. I work through anger; frustration, feelings of sadness, loneliness, and inadequacy; I think "damn that person across the street is running faster than I am" ; :laugh: I think about how to be a better mother; how to be a better person; what I need to get at the grocery store and other day to day things. I try to forget about certain things. I rarely ever thing about running while running unless it's a race.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    When I used to run outside, lost in music for sure. Pace would totally change depending on the song.

    On cross trainer: I am usually watching TV so that takes my mind off most things. But I'm a numbers man and I'll be counting punches or arm swings or whatever else I am doing at the same time :)
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    Running is my therapy. I think about what I've accomplished recently, what I want to accomplish; how to get to that accomplishment. I work through anger; frustration, feelings of sadness, loneliness, and inadequacy; I think "damn that person across the street is running faster than I am" ; :laugh: I think about how to be a better mother; how to be a better person; what I need to get at the grocery store and other day to day things. I try to forget about certain things. I rarely ever thing about running while running unless it's a race.

    This is my experience, as well, for my 'easy' and distance runs. I just let my mind go where it wants to go. This may be why I enjoy running as much as I do - it's a chance for me to get in touch with my inner and outer at the same time.

    However, on speed-work days and hill climbs, all I think about is how much longer until I can slow down/stop! Occassionally I think about my heart rate.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    beating my best time :D
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    "Surely I'm at the 3 mile mark by now." *looks at phone* "Only 2.2? Wtf?!!?"
    LOL....you crack my up!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    The first ten minutes, I'm thinking about getting through the first ten minutes! LOL That's about how long it takes me to stop feeling creaky and settle into a pace. ;)

    After that, my mind wanders. I may be thinking about the music, or singing along if I'm not on a treadmill. Maybe what I need to accomplish that day. Maybe something that happened the day before. I'm all over the place!
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    When running, I have to listen to an interesting podcast to get my mind off how bored I am and to stop myself from checkingy my watch every twenty seconds. Otherwise, all I can think about is how hard it is.

    The funny thing is that I don't need anything while swimming. My mind totally calms down while swimming to the point where I can focus on a project I'm involved in at work or plan a menu for my family for the week, or whatever. I can swim for an hour with no distractions but could not run for five minutes without something to get my mind off my body.
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    What I think about depends on what's going on in my head and why I am running and where and who with!

    If I'm running in the morning I will think about all the stuff I have to do during the day plus I usually have the dogs so keep an eye on them.

    If running across country it's more about "oops there's a rabbit hole to avoid" sort of thing which keeps me occupied rather a lot, plus where the dogs are and if I can call them back quickly enough!

    It's only in the past couple of weeks when I've done a lot more road rnning that i've been able to 'lose' myself in the pleasure of pounding the streets. If I get a bit tired, I concentrate on the rhythm of my running and count strides. I sometimes pretend that I'm running with Brad Pitt or George Clooney etc., Often I just lose myself in the c*** that's going on in my life at the moment and suddenly realised I've completed another mile.

    I cant run with music and hate running with other people! The quiet country roads are perfect for me (I ALWAYS take my phone though!)

    b x
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    work, stepkids, why the hell is that person over the otherside of the gym doing that - it cant be good for you to do that, I wish I could run faster everyone round me is running faster, why am I doing this when I dont even like it.... and other such random stuff.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I think, "Just one more minute, okay just one more, okay to the end of this song, okay to the end of this lap, okay one more minute, just make it one more minute, okay to the end of this song, now the end of this lap...." I don't really enjoy running so I spend my entire run convincing myself to go just a little further.

    I do this too... because I don't enjoy running either. The first 10 minutes are hard for me to get into the groove, then I just make teeny-tiny milestones. Other times I just listen to my music and day dream.... wondering about all the fun things I'd be doing if I didn't have to work but had enough money to just live life to the fullest!!! :smile:
  • chloeelebeir
    chloeelebeir Posts: 130
    I think about the same thing! I have the sports bra & shorts dream all of the time! I also use running as a way to gather my thoughts and just think about life in general. As for day dreams, I also dream of being comfortable in a bikini and being able to wear cuter clothes!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    The music blasting in my ears. I usually do a full body scan every couple of minutes checking in on the posture, the stride, the cadence, and the overall body functions. I like to look around and see what's going on around me and think about what the different houses might look like inside. One of the last times I was able to get out on the road there was a vulture perched on the roof of a house near the end of my trek . . . I thought "how fitting."
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Initially I think about my body and the run itself. Then...I tend to drift off into mindless wanderings. The 'ooh...I need to swing by the store to pick up bread, dang...did I leave that laundry in the washer, did I sign up to bring snacks to church, I really do need to call so and so'...then at some point I come back to focus on my body. I try to avoid looking at my ipod...I don't want to know just how long I've been running. When I need a boost I think of what Dean Karnazes does on a daily basis...it sure keeps me moving. If he can do the Badwater Ultramarathon....I can dang well run that extra mile.
  • z85sparty
    z85sparty Posts: 1
    "Why do I run, this is stupid. I could be doing 800 other things at home such a laundry, cleaning... oh, that's right, the work project I haven't got down yet. One, Two... One, Two... One, Two... Just don't die. Must keep running... Must keep running... Why in the hell did I talk myself into running a marathon. Stupid training runs. One, Two... One, Two... Dude, that guy is pretty good looking, he probably is thinking, what's that girl doing running, she looks like a rock trying run... oh, pretty bird... Must keep running... Must keep running."

    That's a pretty good summary! lol
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    Work, the kids, what my day is going to be like, what all I have to do ... my morning runs are usually my "reflect, think, plan, organize" time. That way when I'm done and at my desk, i'm already ready to work!
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