Hailing from the UK!!

Hi all,
I'm fairly new here......i say fairly new because I have used MFP on and off for the past 6 months but now its finally kicked in that I need to take this seriously and do it properly.
I've never really been a slim person but I feel there is one trying to get out here. I have a had 2 periods in my life where I have been at my ideal weight but both times this never lasted more than a few months.

Over the past few months the pounds have piled on and daily life has become a bit more of a struggle. Feeling breathless after walking only a short distance, constantly tired and other nasties. Having put on 14lbs in the matter of a month and a bit and really noticing it I've decided its about time I got my blubber butt in gear and got moving.

Hopefully with a bit of encouragement and the occasional kick i'll lose the weight I want/need too.


  • speedy70
    speedy70 Posts: 9
    Hi, I'm in Bolton Lancs, add me if you like :)
  • hotpot83
    hotpot83 Posts: 88
    Im in Preston, Lancs... feel free to add me :D
  • lauram1153
    lauram1153 Posts: 145 Member
    hi i'm laura from scotland feel free to add me i just started yesterday so all the more friends welcome x:smile:
  • lauram1153
    lauram1153 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey piglet your not that far away from me well ok across the sea i'm in shetland. good luck with your goals x
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    Howdy! I'm Sue from the USA. I have been using Myfitnesspal for the last month in preparation of our summer holiday to England! I've lost about 5 pounds since I started, but am afraid of going on vacation and gaining it all back...with the delicious cornish pasties & scotch eggs & BEER!! I can certainly understand your struggle. I like that this forum helps me account for everything going into my mouth...it really helps. Good luck on your diet journey, and feel free to add me if you'd like...you would be my first friend here!